
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Cedar Oil
Botanical Name: Thuja occidentalis

Common Names and Synonyms: Northern White Cedar, Swamp Cedar, Eastern White Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Tree of Life
Background: The yellow cedar, also known as the Tree of Life, is a graceful conical tree which is slow growing, and can attain a height of 50 feet. The tree is native to North America and grows from Pennsylvania northward. The Cherokee Indians held this tree sacred, and only burned  the wood for ceremonies to drive away evil spirits.  Trees are also found growing along the coastal hills of western Britain. The fragrant, recently dried young twigs and branches yield a camphor-like oil that is extracted from the finely-grained wood.
Cedar Oil in the Cayce Readings

  • Cedar oil was recommended by Cayce in massage formulas to promote coordination between the superficial and deeper circulation in the body.  In most of these readings Cayce specifies that it is the oil from the wood, and not from the nut that is to be used. Cedar wood oil, in combination with other oils, was to be used for massages to treat paralysis, polio, and multiple sclerosis.
  • Various amounts of cedar oil was recommended with the following frequency.  Here are the most frequent amounts:

      1 ounces 69 readings
      1/2 ounce 37 readings
      1/4 ounce 6 readings
      2 ounces 4 readings
  • Cedar oil was always recommended with other substances in a compound, never by itself. Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with cedar oil were as follows:
      Oil of Sassafras 91 readings
      Nujol, Usoline, or Russian White Oil 74 readings
      Olive Oil 57 readings
      Tincture of Benzoin 48 readings
      Oil of Wintergreen 46 readings
      Oil of Mustard 40 readings
      Witchhazel 37 readings
      Oil of Pine Needles 34 readings
      Kerosine or Coal Oil  32 readings
      Gasoline 24 readings
      Camphor Gum 21 readings
      Peanut Oil 13 readings
      Tincture of Myrrh 11 readings
      Lanolin 5 readings
Cayce Quotes on Cedar Oil

    Here we find the incoordination between sympathetic and cerebrospinal system being the source of disturbances in the locomotories, and the inability for the body to carry on nominally.  This is the basis or the beginning of agitans, unless corrections are brought about; or a wasting of the muscular forces, and such pressures as to cause the inability of the body to control the locomotories.  Voluntary nerve reflexes become involuntary.
    For this body we would begin first with Fume Baths or Cabinet Sweats twice each week, using witch hazel.  Each of these treatments would be followed with rather a violent massage, or violent for this body.  Use this combination of oils:

                  Olive Oil.....................2 ounces,
                  Peanut Oil....................2 ounces,
                  Oil of Mustard...............10 drops,
                  Cedar Oil.....................1 ounce.

    Massage these especially in the lumbar and sacral and the sciatic nerves down to the knees, feet, throughout bursa of the feet and the heel, to the center of the toes.  Especially go downward, not towards the body, go Away from the body in giving the massages.  Don't just slap this on but do massage it thoroughly into the body.

. In the massage, as well as in the correction that are being made osteopathically, massage the left side, especially from the face - that is, the muscles of the neck downward in a rotary motion, with this as a combination:
    To 1 1/2 ounces Russian White Oil, add in the order named:

                  Olive oil..........................................1 ounce,
                  Tincture of Myrrh............................1/2 ounce,
                  Oil of Cedar....................................1/2 ounce,
                  Oil of Wintergreen...........................1/2 ounce,
                  Compound Tincture of Benzoin........1/2 ounce.

    These tend to separate, but shake together before they are to be massaged; not hard, but just what the body absorbs.   This  in the muscular force, this in the centers along the spine and all the way from side of face TO the end of the spine and even to the limbs.  These will relax, these will absorb and these will act upon the lymph and the emunctory circulation; thus giving stamina to those portions that have shown rupture or seepage in those areas along the spine that have indicated  where the trouble originally arose.

(Q)  Was there a spiritual cause for the accident to my right hand, or was it purely an accident?  Is it possible to rectify it?
(A)  It was purely an accident; not a spiritual cause.  If  ye give it power over thee, it may not be rectified - that is, by holding to any thought of payment. But it will be strengthened considerably if there will be applied an equal combination of Oil of Cedar Wood (not O'Cedar Oil, but Oil of Cedar Wood) and Red Wine.  Shake these together and massage around the wrist and hand, daily.

    To 4 ounces Russian White Oil, add:

                  Cedar Oil (Oil of the wood, NOT nut oil)...1/2 ounce
                  Oil of White Pine........................................1/4 ounce,
                  Witch Hazel................................................1 ounce,
                  Oil of Mustard.............................................5 minims,
                  Coal Oil.......................................................2 ounces,
                  Tincture of Benzoin.......................................1/2 ounce.

    These will tend to separate as they stand in solution. Before using as a massage shake well together and pour a  small quantity into a saucer or open container.  Begin with  the massage on the spine at about the 9th dorsal area. Massage in a circular motion to the lower end of the spine,  all the body will absorb.  Then begin along the hips and down to the lower portion of the feet and ankles, where the swelling tends to come at times.  We would also begin then in the brachial area, or at the 1st and 2nd dorsal, massaging to the points of the shoulder blades and out the arms.  Then a little to the base of the brain.  This we would do at least every other day, requiring about thirty minutes; take this  much time in the massage, not too severe but gently.

    To 6 ounces of Russian White Oil as the base, add - in the order named:

                  Pure Olive Oil..................1 ounce,
                  O'Cedar Oil.....................1 ounce,
                  Kerosene.........................1 ounce,
                  Oil of Wintergreen........... 1 ounce,
                  Oil of Pine Needles......... 1 ounce,
                  Oil of Mustard................. 1/4 ounce,
                  Oil of Sassafras Root........1/2 ounce.

    This as we find will separate, but shake together.  Each evening when the body is ready for retirement, use this as a  rub along the spinal system, principally upon the spinal column itself or in each segment; not too hard to begin with and just what the body will absorb.  Let this extend over especially the joints, as in the plexus of the sacral, the knees, the feet, the elbow, the shoulder, the wrist and hand.

    Nujol, as the base...........................4 ounces,
                  Cedar Oil.........................1 ounce,
                  Peanut Oil........................2 ounces,
                  Olive Oil..........................1 ounce,
                  Oil of Pine Needles..........1/2 ounce,
                  Oil of Sassafras Root.......1/4 ounce,
                  Lanolin (liquefied)............1 ounce.

    These will separate, but shake them thoroughly together, pour a small quantity into an open saucer and massage thoroughly. Do not pour back into the bottle any of the solution not used.  Begin with the toes, the front bursa of the feet, especially the Achillean bursa, the lower portion of the calf  of the leg, at and under the knee, around the knee, following the sciatic nerve to the torso; over the lumbar-sacral axis and through the groin.  Do this, not just as something to be hurried through with, but take time to do it with patience, persistence, and let the one making the application encourage the body, not by the attitude of "I wonder what this will do, and what good is this, and why do you use this one, and leave out that one."


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