



    Anemia is not itself a disease, rather it is a set of signs and symptoms which represent some other
pathology.  Primary causes of anemia are genetic predisposition, infection, or poor assimilation of
nutrients.  Thus, anemia can result from a variety of pathological patterns, including:

  • excessive blood loss,
  • deficient production of red blood cells,
  • excessive destruction of red blood cells.
    The pathophysiology of anemia is closely linked to oxygenation of cells.  Cells in the body require
oxygen to fully utilize fuels. The oxygen is transported from the lungs to tissues throughout the body
via red blood cells. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin, a specific molecule within each red blood cell.  If
the amount of functioning hemoglobin is reduced, anemia occurs.

    In addition to the common causes of anemia cited above, other factors can decrease oxygenation
of the blood.  For example, circulatory imbalances resulting in decreased blood flow through the
lungs was described in some Cayce readings involving anemia (3838-1, 810-1).

    The BLOOD SUPPLY, we find, is below the normal in both red and white blood supply.  While the condition is anemia, this is not the cause of the anemia; for there is in the blood stream and in those portions of the system from which, through which the cellular forces or blood count are active, that which BUILDS; so that these portions will function, if the organs of assimilation and the organs of clarification or oxidization are purified to the extent where there may become a normal reaction for the body...
    The throat, bronchi, lungs and larynx - through the bronchi and lungs where there have been at times conditions that made for the lack of proper clarification through infectious forces, through the inability to clear the lung area, there are conditions that are contributory to the disturbing forces; for we do not have a sufficient area or a sufficient quantity of the blood supply passing through these for clarification.  (810-1)

    In other words, poor circulation through the lungs decreased the ability of the red blood to trade  carbon dioxide for oxygen ("clarification") contributing to the anemia.  Note that this excerpt also mentions poor "assimilation" as a contributing factor.  Digestive problems originating in the stomach are noted in numerous readings on anemia.  Also, the lacteal ducts in the upper intestine are also mentioned in some readings which link poor assimilations with anemia.  For example, reading 810-1 goes on to describe the digestive problems this woman was having:

    In the digestive system we have had at various times a great deal of disturbance.  First there were those conditions from which there arose the tendency for the position of the stomach itself to give rise to disturbing conditions.  Then there were those reactions in the gastric flow, so that the superacidity caused lacerations in portions of the stomach.  This first caused a congestion or catarrhal congestion.  Then we had thru the duodenum and to the liver a disturbance that has affected (still, we find, under suppression) those activities of the lobe of the liver, that shows a poorer circulation than should pass through same.  And the gall duct areas, and where there are those activities that at times back have caused distress, are a portion of the disturbance - or the disturbing factors in the system.  Those formations, too, from these conditions in the lacteal ducts, or those activities of the proper balance of the conditions for assimilation, those abilities for assimilation through the duodenum, through the activity of the pylorus and the lacteals, we find are DEFICIENT.  Thus there have been disturbances, and there continues to be the lack of sufficient activity to bring the best for the body.   (810-1)

    This selection provides a great deal of technical information about the anatomical and physiological aspects of this woman's condition.  Don't worry about the specifics if you are not well grounded in biology.  The sections which follow will provide you with information on abnormal stomach position, gastric (stomach) hyperacidity, liver and gall bladder problems, and lacteal ducts.   At this time, you only need to be aware that the digestive system was disturbed resulting in poor assimilation of nutrients, a common cause of anemia.



    The Basic Cayce Diet is a good foundation for proper nutrition.  Additionally, Cayce often recommended these foods for persons with anemia:

  • beef juice,
  • blood pudding and organ meats,
  • red wine and brown bread,
  • spirits frumenti and egg yolk.

    Various forms of medicine and nutritional supplement were recommended for anemia.  Here are some of the most often prescribed medicines and supplements:

Atomidine 55
Lactated pepsin 44
Adiron or Codiron 39
Ventriculin 37
Potassium Iodide 37
Potassium Bromide 35
Valerian 35
Calcios 32
Animated Ash 31
Milk of bismuth 30
Alcaroid 25
Wyeth's tonic 20

    Many readings indexed as anemia or anemia tendencies recommended various herbal remedies.
Here is the frequency for some of the most common ingredients:

Tolu Balsam 111
Sarsaparilla 73
Yellow Dock Root 71
Calisaya 65
Wild Cherry Bark 60
Oil of Sassafras 45
Elder Flower 41
Burdock Root 39
Buchu Leaves 30
Stillingia 32

    At least three products based on the Cayce readings contain some of the herbs listed above.

    Formula 3810 contains:

Tolu Balsam
Yellow Dock Root
Burdock Root
Elder Flower
Buchu Leaves

    Formula 545 contains:

Tolu Balsam
Yellow Dock Root
Wild Cherry Bark
Oil of Sassafras

    Formula 4288 contains:

Tolu Balsam
Wild Cherry Bark
Burdock Root
Buchu Leaves

    In the readings indexed as anemia or anemia tendencies, yellow saffron tea was prescribed 35 times while slippery elm bark in water was recommended in 26 readings.


    The radial appliance and violet ray appliance were each recommended in over 100 of the readings indexed as anemia or anemia tendencies making these the most frequently suggested forms of electrotherapy for this condition.


    Colonic irrigation was recommended in over 100 readings indexed as anemia or anemia tendencies.  Fume baths were recommended in over 50 of these readings.  Witchhazel was the most often recommended fume ingredient.  Castor oil packs were recommended in 39 readings involving anemia.


    Options for further assessment include:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Tiredness or fatigue  4699-1, 4276-1, 3899-3, 3123-1, 2109-1, 2094-2, 1779-1, 953-1, 574-1, 257-7
Heart palpitations or rapid pulse 5270-1, 2941-1, 2843-4, 2843-3, 2056-3, 1779-3, 264-2
Weakness 5057-1, 4019-1, 3316-1, 3256-1, 3147-1, 3123-1, 2621-1, 2186-3, 2033-1, 1687-1, 1269-1, 657-4, 261-9, 112-1
Shortness of breath 3988-1, 3547-1, 3535-1, 2976-1, 2785-1, 2785-1, 2766-1, 2702-1, 2390-4, 2311-1, 2219-1, 1224-3, 1164-1
Slight fever at times 5554-1,5057-1, 4447-1,  3482-1, 2675-1, 2634-2, 2488-2, 2360-1, 2311-1, 2206-1, 1779-3, 508-1, 402-1, 388-1
Underweight 5334-1, 4588-1, 3519-1, 2982-2, 2767-1, 2702-1, 2675-1, 2448-1, 2374-1, 2297-1, 2175-2, 2140-2, 2039-1, 1796-1, 1779-3, 1387-2, 1188-8, 1102-2, 1031-1, 898-2, 898-1, 810-1, 667-1, 562-1, 501-3, 481-1, 461-1, 421-1, 396-1, 365-2, 323-2, 307-5, 295-10, 137-2
Dizziness 5207-1, 2941-1, 2936-1, 2843-3, 2785-1, 2675-1, 2454-1, 2186-3, 2094-2, 1149-1, 1131-2, 954-2, 821-1, 757-1, 719-2, 694-1, 565-1, 501-2, 365-1, 294-3, 162-2
Indigestion 5677-1, 4287-1, 4275-1, 4264-1, 4244-1, 4207-1, 4154-1, 3999-1, 2552-1, 2448-1, 2414-1, 2407-1, 2311-1, 2277-1, 2219-1, 1646-1, 1131-1, 979-1, 837-1, 565-1, 481-1, 461-1, 357-1, 303-2, 269-1

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