
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum

Common Names and Synonyms: Aniseed

Background: Anise, native to Egypt,  has been cultivated for centuries throughout Europe and north Africa as a seasoning and medicinal agent to treat colds and coughs.  The tiny gray-brown licorice-flavored seeds produce an oil which, when applied to the scalp, helps control lice.  Anise oil in an ointment base can be used to treat scabies.  A tea sipped before meals from an infusion of crushed anise seed with equal parts of Fennel and Caraway  seeds eases flatulence and colic.  Liquors such as Pernod, Ouzo, and Anisette are flavored with anise.

Anise in the Cayce Readings
  • Anise was mentioned in 1 reading (274-11 given in 1936) as an ingredient in Fletcher's Castoria.  As described in this reading, the intended action of anise was to decrease infection and purify the system.
Cayce Quote on Anise

    It would be well that the bowels be kept excessive in their movements; through using - as WE find - a mild laxative, such as may be had in the combination known as Fletcher's Castoria.  Two teaspoonsful may be taken at a dose.  This will tend to allay fever and to make for a clearing of the system.  Also the properties in same - the Senna, of course, being the active principle, with the Pumpkin Seed, the Anise, the Thyme and the other properties - will tend to  LESSEN the activity of the infectious forces, and cause a purification.


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