
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Arnica montana

Common Names and Synonyms: Leopard's Bane

Background: Native to Europe, Siberia and northwest North America, arnica is typically used externally in the treatment of bruises and sprains, muscular and rheumatic pain.  Its action is anti-inflammatory.   A tincture made from the yellow, daisy-like flower heads is used on the unbroken skin to relieve bruises and sprains and to stimulate circulation.

Arnica in the Cayce Readings
  • In the four readings in which arnica was mentioned, Edgar Cayce's recommendations for arnica were consistent with traditional applications for sprains and bruises.
  • In three of the readings in which it was prescribed, arnica was to be combined with olive oil (2 readings) or a mixture including Russian White Oil, Witch-hazel, rubbing alcohol, and Tincture of Myrrh.
Cayce Quotes on Arnica

    Also we find it would be MOST helpful to have a rub along the whole of the spine and along the limbs with equal portions (or half and half) of Olive Oil and Arnica.  Of course, this should not be massaged over the whole of the area bruised, but where segments or the cerebrospinal and the locomotory forces coordinate in their activity.  Heat the oil a little to pour these together and to stir.  Then, shake them together and massage gently.

    For the limbs, we would MASSAGE same thoroughly - as we SHOULD take a GENERAL massage 2 or 3 times a week, other than that as taken in the regular work-out; but in MASSAGING the feet use THIS - as put together to massage into the feet, the soles of the feet, and the ankles:
    To 1/2 pint of Russian White Oil, add:

    Witch-hazel...................1 ounce,
    Rub alcohol...................2 ounces,
    Arnica........................1 ounce,
    Tincture of Myrrh...........1/2 ounce.

    Shake this together and massage just sufficient as to what the body, or the pores of the skin, absorbs.

    To bring about the better condition, then, would be through that manipulation of the portions of body in that way of the neuropath or osteopath, and by massaging into this portion of the system those of equal parts of olive oil and arnica, and keep this bandaged until the condition has the chance to heal and strengthen; of course, removing bandage when these manipulations and emplacements are made, which should be done at least every other day, see?  and at each time this is done, massage in the system, gently, those properties as given, for the strengthening of the walls.

(Q)  Any special treatment for bruises [on arm] resulting from fall last Sunday?
(A)  Use Arnica on same, or any good massage that will remove the strain.


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