
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Balm of Gilead

Botanical Name: Populus gileadensis

Common Names and Synonyms: Poplar Buds, Balsam Poplar

Background: Traditionally, Balm of Gilead has been used primarily in the treatment of upper respiratory infections and has been considered a specific for laryngitis.  The oil can be used topically for bruises and rheumatic pains as well as for eczema and psoriasis.  The leaves, often used in a potpourri,  produce a lemon-cedar-camphor fragrance when bruised, and the plant can be placed  in a sunny room to give off a pleasant scent.
Balm of Gilead in the Cayce Readings

  • Edgar Cayce most often recommended Balm of Gilead in complex tonics.  No specific action of this herb was given, although it was usually given in the same portion of the formula as "carriers" such as alcohol and tolu.  A few readings recommended Balm of Gilead for massage, usually mixed with myrrh or golden seal.
  • Balm of Gilead was prescribed in the following amounts:
      2 drams 12 readings
      1 dram 10 readings
      3 drams 7 readings
      1/2 ounce 1 reading
      20 minims 1 reading
  • Balm of Gilead was typically recommended in combination with other substances.  The most frequently mentioned substances mentioned in the same readings with Balm of Gilead are:
      Buchu Leaves 19 readings
      Sarsaparilla 19 readings
      Yellow Dock 19 readings
      Tolu 18 readings
      Wild Cherry 17 readings
      Mandrake 16 readings
      Elder Flower 14 readings
      Calisaya 13 readings
      Prickly Ash 10 readings
      Burdock  9 readings
  • Three readings specified that the Balm of Gilead should be in its natural or "normal" state ("using the buds," "in the bulb").
Cayce Quotes on Balm of Gilead

    Add to those forces and give the application of that vibration that will give the body the incentive to overcome the condition in the system.  There will be some trouble expected with the developing of this body in some weeks and some months to come.  These will be well to be remembered and keep these in mind, for there will be a developing through the intestinal tract of a congestion, if not post-minded to this condition, that will prove serious to this body.  If the conditions arise in the body, use this as they appear.  This does not show at present but it may appear.  If so, use equal parts of Tincture of Myrrh and Balm of Gilead - rub across the groin and abdomen of this body.  This will come in some weeks unless the diet is changed in the body.
    Then to give the relief to this body we would first take in the system that which will give the incentive for correction in the body through the digestive organs, and as well through the mental reaction in the system.  Unless the body desires to improve itself, it will continue to enjoy poor health.

    Take this:  To one gallon of rain water add:

    Wild Cherry Bark..............6 ounces,
    Cane Sugar....................8 ounces.

    Reduce this by simmering (not boiling) to one quart.  Then add:

    Water.........................8 ounces, and
    Calisaya Bark.................2 ounces,
    Yellow Dock Root..............2 ounces,
    Yellow Root...................2 ounces,
    Buchu Leaves.................15 grains,

and reduce to one quart again.  Strain while warm and add two ounces of grain alcohol, with two drams of Balm of Gilead in it (in the bulb).  The dose would be teaspoonful four times each day before meals, and before retiring.  Take the massage of the osteopathic forces over the whole system while this is being taken.  The osteopathic forces should be applied twice each week.  We will find we will improve the appetite, the elimination, the condition in the bronchials, lungs and
through the digestive tract.  Do that for this body.

    Massage the body especially along the spine from the cervical down over the whole system but especially the spinal region, with this:
    To one-half gallon of rain water, add six (6) ounces of Plantain root and leaves.  Reduce by simmering to one-half the quantity, then add:

    Balm of Gilead................3 drams,
    Tincture of Myrrh............20 minims.

    Reduce this again by heating, you see, to one-half the quantity, then add Oil of Butterfat until a thin paste is made.  This massaged into the system, see, every third day.

    We would have the assistance to these forces that are combating with the conditions.  Keep those as we are using and apply to the body those of the forces that may be absorbed within the system by massage well in the system, the BALM OF GILEAD along the whole length of the spine, very gently, you see, into the arm pits, into the groin, and about the thyroids; so that the system - the blood supply, may take all these forces and assist to meet the resistance with the conditions as they are arising in the body, that life may be prolonged from time to time by the meeting of these
conditions with this.

    To relieve the condition for this body we would keep those forces for the system much as we have at the present time.  We would only take those of a stimulation to the body to give the correct vibration through the system with the air and water as is being shown or given in the body, as in this:
    To one gallon of rain water we would add:

    4 oz. ...............Wild Cherry Bark, preferably from the North side of the tree.
    2 oz.................Yellow Root
    2 oz.................Red Root
    1 oz.................Prickly Ash Bark
    1 oz.................Elder Flower

    Reduce this by simmering, not boiling, to one quart, strain, while warm add:

    2 drams..............Balm of Gilead
    6 oz.................Grain Alcohol

    The dose with this would be teaspoonful four times each day before meals.  The effect with this on the system is to give the stimulation to the organs and to the eliminating forces in the system, as in this:
    The active principle from the Wild Cherry Bark with the other ingredients is a stimulation to the lungs, throat and bronchials and those organs above the diaphragm.
    The Yellow Root is for the pneumogastric forces and gastric juices of the pyloric end of the stomach itself.
    The Red Root is a stimulus for the secretions given by the pancrean forces and the spleen in its functioning from the blood cell forces as destroyed there.
    The Prickly Ash Bark is for the blood supply as acted upon in the emunctory forces of the liver itself proper.
    The Elder Flower is as that in the functioning of the organs of the pelvis with the action of the kidneys, with the stimulation from the alcohol and Balm of Gilead in these organs.

(Q)  Should this body be massaged with the hands?
(A)  Be well if this was massaged into the body at least each time when the temperature is very high and until this is reduced.  Be well also to rub well into the groin, across the abdomen and the liver and spleen, you see, that is higher up here, you see, equal parts of Golden Seal and Balm of Gilead.
Do that.

    To one gallon of rain water we would add:

    Sarsaparilla Root..................3 ounces,
    Dogwood Bark.......................1 ounce,
    Calisaya Bark......................1 ounce,
    Elder Flower.......................4 ounces,
    Buchu Leaves......................15 grains.

    Reduce by simmering, not boiling, to one quart, strain while warm, and add 6 oz. grain alcohol with 2 drams of Balsam of Tolu cut in it and 1 dram of Balm of Gilead (that of course in its normal state) with 15 minims (drops) of oil of peppermint.

    Then to give the relief to this body, and bring about the nearer equilibrium, we would give this into the system, taking exercises of specific nature for the whole system:
    To one gallon of rain water, we would add:

    Sarsaparilla Root.............2 ounces,
    Burdock Root..................2 ounces,
    Yellow Dock Root..............2 ounces,
    Yellow Root...................2 ounces,
    Black Snake Root..............2 ounces,
    Buchu Leaves.................10 grains,
    Elder Flower..................4 ounces.

    Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to one quart.  Strain while warm and add three drams of Balm of Gilead and four ounces of grain alcohol, using the buds, you see, in the Gilead.  The dose would be a teaspoonful four times each day.


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