
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Blackberry Root

Botanical Name: Rubus fructicosis

Common Names and Synonyms: Common Blackberry

Background: This common shrub is widespread throughout the world.  Blackberry leaves are used for throat infections and inflammations.  Blackberry makes an excellent syrup which is useful in treating dysentery.  The bark around the roots has been used for  relaxed conditions of the bowels.
Blackberry Root in the Cayce Readings

  • Blackberry root was recommended in 1 reading (3888-1) for a woman suffering from general debilitation and toxemia.  The specific action of the blackberry root in a complex formula was not given.
Cayce Quote on Blackberry Root

    To one gallon of rain water, add:

    Wild Cherry Bark..............4 ounces,
    Sweet Gum.....................2 ounces,
    Yellow Dock Root..............2 ounces,
    Blackberry Root.............1/2 ounce,
    Golden Seal.................1/2 ounce.

    This would be reduced by simmering to one quart; strain, and while warm, add,

    Grain Alcohol.................4 ounces, and
    Ambergris....................20 grains.

    The dose would be two teaspoonsful three times each day.


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