
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Black Root

Botanical Name: Leptandra virginica

Common Names and Synonyms: Culver's Physic, Culveris Root

Background: Herbalists typically recommend black root as a reliever of liver congestion and for inflamed gall bladder.  Black root may also be used as a tonic for the stomach, and in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, and cholera.  Introduced into European herbalists by the Seneca Indians the rhizome and root portions should be dug in the fall and stored for a year before use.  Although odorless, the roots and rhizome have a  bitter constituent (leptandrin) and there is a notable difference between the action of the dried and the fresh herb.  The dried root gently stimulates the liver and increases the flow of bile without undue strain on the bowels.
Black Root in the Cayce Readings

  • Edgar Cayce did state the specific action of black root in the readings recommending this herb.  The most common systemic problem cited in these readings was toxemia.  Ten of these readings cite problems with the liver or liver-kidney axis, a frequent cause of toxemia in the Cayce readings.
  • The typical dosage of black root in the Cayce readings was as follows:
      2 ounces 39 readings
      1 ounce 8 readings
      1/2 ounce 2 readings
  • Black root was always recommended with other substances in a compound, never by itself.  Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with black root were as follows:
      Yellow Dock 41 readings
      Tolu  39 readings
      Burdock Root 29 readings
      Elder Flower 28 readings
      Sarsaparilla 28 readings
      Wild Cherry 26 readings
      Buchu Leaves 22 readings
      Mandrake 16 readings
      Calisaya 14 readings
      Sassafras 9 readings
      Stillingia 9 readings
Cayce Quote on Black Root

    We would give, then, that which would create the balance in this body, to produce the proper conditions throughout, enlivening or giving revivification to the blood supplying forces and assisting nature - that is the store-house of medicinal properties, in the stomach itself, to give the proper function to the system.  Take this:

    Dogwood Bark...........2 ounces,
    Prickly Ash Bark.......2 ounces,
    Buchu Leaves.........1/2 ounce,
    Black Root.............2 ounces,
    Elder Flower...........4 ounces.

    This should be put into one gallon of water, reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart.  Strain; and add one half pint spiritus frumenti, 8 years old, with six ounces of sugar, beet sugar preferred.
    A dose of this would be a tablespoonful four (4) times each day.

    To remove these, we would take this in the system as that to correct the functioning in blood supply and in producing elimination and assimilation properly, and to give the incentives for the organs to function correctly.
    To one gallon of rain water, add:

    Wild Cherry Bark.............4 ounces,
    Yellow Dock Root.............2 ounces,
    Burdock Root.................2 ounces,
    Black Root...................2 ounces,
    Elder Flower.................4 ounces.

    Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to one quart.  Strain while warm, and add three drams of Balsam of Tolu, cut in four ounces of grain alcohol.

    To remove the condition from the system, to give the permanent relief is not to treat the local condition first and only, but the seat of the trouble, see, which is through the action of the eliminating organs of the system, giving the perfect elimination and effect the better assimilation of properties for this body.  Take this into the system:
    To one gallon of rain water, add:

    Yellow Dock Root...........2 ounces,
    Burdock Root...............2 ounces,
    Black Root.................2 ounces,
    Yellow Root................2 ounces,
    Calisaya Bark..............2 ounces.


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