
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Barosma betulina

Common Names and Synonyms: Buchu leaves

Background: Buchu is a traditional black South African herb indigenous to the southwest region of Cape Colony where it was used by the Hottentot people as a stimulant tonic and soothing stomach remedy. Today herbalists recommend buchu for urinary conditions such as cystitis, bladder irritation, and prostrate problems.  Buchu is thought to absorb excessive uric acid, thus reducing bladder irritations. The glossy leaves, smooth and shiny, have oil glands throughout the leaf.  Very brittle when dry, the leaves have an odor similar to black currant and are strongly aromatic to the taste.  A tea can be especially useful  for burning urination.

Buchu in the Cayce Readings
  • According to the Cayce readings, the intended action of buchu was as a stimulant and cleanser for the urinary system and pelvic organs.
  • Buchu utilization decreased markedly from a peak period during 1923-1924.  A notable increase occurred in 1944.
  • Buchu leaves were recommended with the following frequency:
      15 grains 35 readings
      20 grains 21 readings
      30 grains 16 readings
      10 grains 10 readings
      3 grains 8 readings
      40 grains 1 reading
      1 grain 1 reading
      5 grains 1 reading
      1 dram 12 readings
      1/2 dram  5 readings
      2 drams 1 reading
      3 drams 1 reading
      1/4 ounce 7 readings
      1/2 ounce 6 readings
      1 ounce 2 readings
      2 ounces 1 reading
      10 minims 1 reading
  • Tincture or essence of buchu was recommended with the following frequency:
      10 minims 4 readings
      20 minims 4 readings
      2 minims 1 reading
      1/4 ounce 2 readings
      1/2 dram 1 reading
  • Buchu juice (2 drams) was prescribed in one reading.
  • Buchu was always recommended with other substances in a compound, never by itself.  Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with buchu were as follows:
      Tolu 114 readings
      Yellow Dock 102 readings
      Mandrake 100 readings
      Sarsaparilla Root 93 readings
      Wild Cherry  84 readings
      Burdock Root  62 readings
      Elder Flower  53 readings
      Calisaya 44 readings
      Prickly Ash Bark 41 readings
      Sassafras Bark Root 25 readings
Cayce Quotes on Buchu

... the excretory system, affected by that of the Buchu Leaves ...

    That of the Buchu leaves and Elder Flower, are for those effects in the kidneys and the pelvic organs.

    Do not become alarmed because it increases the activity of the kidneys; this is to wash or to cleanse same, for the properties of the Buchu Leaves in this makes for a cleansing in that direction.

... for the stimulus and the effect to reduce the kidney action is given in the Buchu ...

(Q)  How may constipation be overcome?
(A)  Read these conditions as we have indicated here, we will find that so far as even the tonic is concerned, the active principle is in the Podophyllin as well as in the Buchu leaves for the organs of the pelvis, and the activity of the kidneys and bladder, which at times gives disturbance from the sympathetic conditions, and these will relieve headaches which occur occasionally.

(Q)  Is there a gravel condition in the kidneys?
(A)  As has been indicated, rather a slowed circulation which makes for a sedimentary condition.
    Hence not only the Buchu Leaves in the Vinol will cleanse the kidneys but the added activity of the Nitre in its proportions from the Watermelon Seed Tea, will clear same ...

    While the Buchu cleanses the kidneys from any of these poisons in such a manner as to make for bettered conditions.

    This will act as a stimuli, as an emit, as a corrector of the circulatory forces.  Do not become alarmed because it increases the activity of the kidneys; this is to wash or to cleanse same, for the properties of the Buchu Leaves in this makes for a cleansing in that direction.


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