
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Chamaemelum nobile or Matricaria recutita

Common Names and Synonyms: Perennial Chamomile, English Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile

Background: Chamomile is probably the most widely used relaxing herb in the western world. Chamomile's anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and disinfectant properties have been applied to urinary infections, diaper rash, earache, sore nipples, toothache and neuralgia.   The flowers have white petals, yellow centers and once they are died, the flowers and leaves can be made into a soothing tea which has relaxing properties.

Chamomile in the Cayce Readings
  • Most often, Edgar Cayce recommended chamomile as a tea to settle the stomach and work with the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract.
  • Chamomile was spelled as "camomile" in the Cayce readings.
  • Chamomile was often used in conjunction with other herbal teas with similar activity.  Most notably, chamomile was mentioned in the same readings with yellow (American) saffron in 16 readings and slippery elm water in 8 readings.
Cayce Quotes on Chamomile

    Then, to meet the needs at the present time - the body should have absolute quiet and rest, and we would give only those properties in the system in the manner of drinking water that would carry those vibrations that will aid the whole of the alimentary canal, as well as the stomach itself in creating sufficient of the mucus-producing properties as will coordinate and vibrate with the body itself.  These we would find in using small quantities of the elm water, or elm bark in water - alternated with those of saffron or camomile - either of these, or all of these in small quantities should be taken.  No water taken should be other than little colder than tepid, and not too much taken at any one time.

There are also those lymphatic conditions that affect in the present the lymph circulation, and the respiration and pulsation of the body.  The latter are of an acute condition of a temporary nature, which - with the proper precautions in activities, diet, the preventing of the taking of cold, and the eliminations kept above the normal - will soon disappear.  These we would keep active with a mild form of stimuli to the respiratory system, especially from the digestive and lymph area, as a mild form of camomile tea, or saffron tea, that is palliative to the digestive system, and that will make for the proper eliminations, preventing the accumulations of drosses that would affect the system in any way by not being eliminated; keeping the intestinal tract rather active, keeping the body quiet, and the diet rather that of the liquid diet.

    A mild camomile and saffron tea combined, see?  Proportion about one to twenty (1 to 20) of each and this combined, and then mix with water and cooled.  This, as we find, will reduce inflammation throughout the mesenteric system.

    We also will find that occasionally camomile tea, made in the same way and manner - this used instead of the Saffron, will enable the system - with these being kept in the line as has been outlined - to create more of a muco-membrane in the stomach and intestinal system, see?  and keep up those rubs as given for the limbs, and we will find changes coming about, betterments for the body.

    At least three times each day give a mild camomile tea, to reduce the disturbance in the intestinal tract and especially to settle the stomach.  Pour a pint of boiling water over a teaspoonful of the camomile and allow to steep as tea.  These would be the proportions.  The dosage would be a teaspoonful three times a day - of the tea, you see; made in the manner indicated.

    Camomile tea and Saffron tea altered form time to time, a little of these in place of water at times, will settle the stomach and make for the releasing of the irritations.

    We would keep to the taking, more often, the Saffron Tea as indicated; and we would change or alternate this at times with Camomile Tea.  For these tend to form, in the regular activities of the body, the best in the gastric flows for the intestinal disorder.

    Keep rather the camomile tea as a drink; this not too hot but warm - or palatable for the body; and it will affect that tendency for the reduction of the temperature.

    Hence we will find that the body should be kept quiet.  Keep it out of drafts.  Then, give sips of such tea as the camomile, to keep towards the capillary circulation.  Put about a pinch of camomile to a whole cup full of hot water, and give it in sips when water is desired.  In this manner give a teaspoonful or two to three teaspoonsful about three to four times each day.

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