
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Elder Flower

Botanical Name: Sambuccus canadensis

Common Names and Synonyms: Elder, American Elder

Background: Native to Europe, western Asia and North Africa, elder flower is now found in North America.  This common plant grows as a shrub or small tree. Medicinally, the elderberry tree is known as nature's medicine chest, and is best known as a fever reducer and blood purifier used in the early stages of colds. This versatile plant also has uses as a general detoxifier of the body and as a sedative for relief of pain.  Elder flowers appear in late spring.  Flat heads of creamy white, small,  star-shaped flowers bloom in late June for about three weeks;  ripening to  purple-black berries by September. The flowers were gathered and quickly dried in the shade.   Elder flower tea was often brewed as a spring tonic.   In the 1800's  Elder Flower Water was used by women to keep their skin free of freckles and blemishes.

Elder Flower in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce recommended elder flower as a stimulant to the urinary and reproductive systems and as an aid to digestion.
  • Various amounts of elder flower were recommended with the following frequency:
      2 ounces 57 readings
      4 ounces 52 readings
      1 ounce 15 readings
      1/2 ounce 4 readings
      1 1/2 ounce 3 readings
      1/4 ounce 2 readings
      3 ounces 2 readings
      6 ounces 1 reading
      4 grains 1 reading
  • In 3 readings elder flower was recommended as either an essence, tincture, or fluid extract (1/4 ounce in 2 readings; 1/2 ounce in 1 reading).
  • Elder flower was typically recommended with other substances in a compound.  Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances in mentioned in the same readings as elder flower are as follows:
      Tolu 131 readings
      Yellow Dock 116 readings
      Sarsaparilla  86 readings
      Wild Cherry 85 readings
      Burdock Root 80 readings
      Buchu Leaves 53 readings
      Prickly Ash 47 readings
      Mandrake 44 readings
      Calisaya 41 readings
      Black Snake Root 28 readings
Cayce Quotes on Elder Flower

    The Elder Flower acts with the increasing flow for the NATURAL eliminations through the system to the organic activities of the system in its relation to the sex activities of the body.

    The elder flower is [for] the functioning of the organs of the pelvis with the action of the kidneys; with the stimulation from the alcohol and balm of Gilead in these organs.

... while that activity as is seen in the Elder Flower, that of the vibratory forces as changed in the whole of the mesenteric system, aided by those of the Stillingia and Sassafras as the CLARIFIER of the blood stream and the tendency of the allaying of nerve pressure.

    That of the Buchu leaves and Elder Flower, are for those effects in the kidneys and the pelvic organs.

    The active force of the carrier and the other properties, especially that of the Elder Flower, the coordinating effect or vibration set throughout the digestive and mesenteric system.

... those to function of the organs of the Pelvis from the Elder Flower and the Balsam of Tolu with its action on those organs.

(Q)  Why are the menstrual periods of this body irregular?
(A)  With the strain on the hepatic circulation and the strain as given here for the organs of the pelvis, the reaction coming by submerged and low pressure reactions to the organs of justation [genitation - gestation?] causing the irregularity to the functioning of the liatic [Leydig] glands.  This causes the irregular functioning of these.  When we have taken the properties as given from the Elder Flower with the Tolu in the solution we will find the strengthening to the organs to produce the correct vibration through this portion of the body.

    The Elder Flower is to be effective with the organs of eliminations as related to the generative organs.


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