
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Slippery Elm

Botanical Name: Ulmus fulva

Common Names and Synonyms: Indian Elm, Moose Elm, Red Elm, Sweet Elm

Background: Native to North America, the slippery elm tree can grow to 80 feet tall.  The rough outer bark is reddish brown to dark brown.  The inner bark is the only part used.  The slippery qualities of the inner bark give the tree its name.  The large leaves are unevenly toothed, dark green, and rough to the touch. The orange-tipped flower buds open into cluster at the branch ends.  Although these trees once were common, they have been ravaged by the Dutch Elm Disease.  The inner bark of the slippery elm was used by the Indians for diarrhea, fevers, and intestinal complaints.  The mucilaginous properties are soothing to a sensitive intestinal tract. The faun-colored inner bark was also made into a powder and mixed with water to be used as a poultice for relief from painful wounds or boils.  The Creek Indians used the bark as a toothache remedy. The early settlers sometimes survived on the elm bark when food or game was scarce.
Slippery Elm in the Cayce Readings

  • Edgar Cayce recommended slippery elm bark be dissolved in water for gastro-intestinal healing.  This herb was consistently prescribed for skin conditions such as psoriasis to heal the walls of the small intestine ("leaky gut syndrome") which the readings often cited as the source of the problem.
  • Slippery elm bark was mentioned in 170 readings between 1911-1944 with peak utilization in 1924 (17 readings).
  • Slippery elm water often used in conjunction with other substances intended to heal the gastro-intestinal tract, most often, yellow saffron water (108 readings), olive oil (36 readings) and chamomile tea (9 readings).
Cayce Quotes on Slippery Elm

    To remove the condition as we have over the system, take that into the system, into the intestines and stomach, those of a nature which acts to the rebuilding of forces and as an absorbent to remove the acidity state in the stomach and intestines:  First, into the system what we have now; plenty of water.  Cleanse out as much as possible.  Then to the system that of water carrying the cellular force of elm.  That is, water produced from the bark of the elm, to act as a rebuilding force to the mucus coat of the intestine and lower duodenum itself.

    We would add to the properties as now given elm water, giving to the lower portions of the stomach more of the lactic fluids to be acted upon, so that absorption becomes proper into the amount of new blood force as acted upon by the carbon or air taken into the lungs.  This acts directed and through the diaphragm and duodenum in this portion of the body.

    Let the water that is used carry junket or elm to form healing through the duodenum and the rest of the system and intestines, with relaxation and rest to the body if we would relieve this body.

    First, we would not take any water into the system that does not carry with it the elm bark or slippery elm:  4 grains of the bark, ground, to a glass of water, with the water cool and only give just when it is ready to be taken, just enough to be sufficient to prevent so much fermentation taking place in the stomach, and to assist the stomach to give out to the system those properties so much needed in assisting the circulation ...

    Also well if the water that is drunk carries the properties of elm bark.  This, we see, will empty the stomach, and at the same time act as a sedative and soothing to the parts that are suffering from this condition.


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