
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Botanical Name: Ficus Carica
Common Names and Synonyms: Fig

Background: Native to Iran, Asia Minor and Syria, the fig tree is widely cultivated in Mediterranean countries, and in the United States.  The tree or bush, seldom grows more than 18 to 20 feet high. The leaves are broad and the fruit is hollow.   An enlarging receptacle or pouch contains both fruit and flowers within the pear-shaped sack.  The flowers and fruits, concealed inside, come to maturity within the body of the pouch. This distinguishes the fig from other fruits.  Figs are used, both fresh and sun-dried, as part of the diet in Western Asia and Southern Europe.  The chief component is dextrose.  Figs contain iron, and their action is laxative.  Roasted and split, they have been applied to ease gum  boils and abscessed teeth.
Figs in the Cayce Readings

  • The main use of figs in the Cayce readings was as an eliminant (i.e., Syrup of Figs).  The eliminant was taken in small, frequent doses, rather than  in one large dose for a gentle, but thorough, cleansing of the intestinal system.  Syrup of Figs was often recommended in conjunction with Castoria, a mild laxative.  Cayce sometimes specified California Syrup of Figs which was a proprietary combination of senna and figs.
  • A combination of milk and figs was suggested as a poultice for an abscessed tooth extraction to remove poisons and speed recovery.
Cayce Quotes on Figs

(Q)  Is the Castoria best as an eliminant?
(A)  Castoria is well, but combined with the California Syrup of Figs.

(Q)  What mild laxative will make his liver act?
(A)  A combination of Syrup of Figs with the activity or active principles of Senna.  Or the Syrup of Senna one part to two parts of Syrup of Figs.

(Q)  Bowels don't move naturally at all; even with oil and psyllium have to take enema every night.  Any further suggestions?
(A)  Change more in the diet to those that carry the ACTIVE forces and influences; such as stewed fruits, figs, the pie plant and things like that.  But keep the bowels active at least once each day, even if it requires the enema.

(Q)  Are the seeds in figs too rough for the intestines in this body?
(A)  Not too rough, if the figs are well ripened and WELL masticated - or plenty of the salivary gland activity with same. In other words, don't eat and wash them down with water!

(Q)  Should he take cooked figs or raisins?
(A) Cooked figs or raisins occasionally are well for the body.  Both carry those properties of the iron, also of the bitumen, that are excellent for the developing of the body.  Also will aid in the digestive forces for the system, causing that laxness as is necessary.

    An excellent food for the body of an afternoon and evening would be this combination:

                  1 cup Black Figs, or packed figs, chopped or ground very fine;
                  1 cup Dates, chopped or ground very fine;
                  1/2 cup Yellow Corn Meal (not too finely ground).

    Cook this in sufficient water (2 or 3 cups), for 15 to 20 minutes, to make it the consistency of mush.
    A little of this taken each evening or night will be found to supply energies for the system that will be most helpful, - especially combined with the osteopathic corrections, and the effect produced upon the nervous system as well as the glandular system from the quantities of the Gold taken in the manner indicated.
. a combination or alternation of Fletcher's Castoria with Syrup of Figs.  The general active principle of both of these is senna, but the combination of the other ingredients with same - as may be absorbed by the system to induce a greater activity through the assimilating forces of the body itself - may remove a great deal of poison.  But use this in a consistent manner.  Take about a teaspoonful every hour apart, first the Castoria, then the Syrup of Figs, - that is, one taken one hour, the other the next, see?
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.take half to three-quarters of a teaspoonful of the Castoria, then the next thirty minutes (on the hour) take half to three-quarters of a teaspoonful of the Syrup of Figs.  To be sure, the active principle in each of these is Senna, but the effect of the rest of the properties in the Figs would be to the activities of the pancreas and spleen, while the pumpkin seed and oils as combined in the Castoria will make all of these more effective for the system.  Continue these for a whole day, or until there is a THOROUGH stirring of the liver and a cleansing of the system.
(Q)  Is there anything the body may do that will bring about  normal eliminations?
(A) Do those activities that have been indicated as to the diets; these are the more preferable way.  When cathartics are needed for the eliminations, use an alteration between such as the Syrup of Figs and Castoria, or a combination of Syrup of Senna and the Syrup of Figs - as Caldwell's Syrup of Figs - mixed equal portions.  Take a teaspoonful at a dose of the mixture; while the other two when taken would be two to three teaspoonsful, not at once but half an hour apart.  Do not take any one for a long period of time, but alternate - see?

    An eliminant of the vegetable nature, then, as we find, would be better; and as a corrective in the directions indicated.  Such properties whose active principle would be Senna, as combined with Syrup of Figs.  Or, a combination of Fletcher's Castoria and California Syrup of Figs - half and half.  Preferably give this in broken doses, as we have indicated, so that it is absorbed by the system.  It is better for such  conditions that it be taken a teaspoonful every hour until there is a THOROUGH cleansing.
(Q)  Other than laxative foods, should I take anything for constipation?
(A)  If it becomes necessary and the body feels laggard or dull from the non-activity from same, it would be well to use Syrup of Figs - or Syrup of Figs with a combination of the Syrup of Senna; these will be very good.

    The arousing of the eliminations may be best accomplished for this body through the use of a combination of Fletcher's Castoria and California Syrup of Figs, - or alternate the doses of these, but take them in a manner in which the greater effect is had; which would be small quantities taken often.  In one half hour period take half to three-quarters of a teaspoonful of the Castoria, then the next thirty minutes (on the hour) take half to three-quarters of a teaspoonful of the Syrup of Figs.  To be sure, the active principle in each of these is Senna, but the effect of the rest of the properties in the Figs would be to the activities of the pancreas and spleen, while the pumpkin seed and oils as combined in the Castoria will make all of these more effective for the system.  Continue these for a whole day, or until there is a THOROUGH stirring of the liver and a cleansing of the system.

. the eliminant in the Castoria, acts directly upon the gastric forces of the system, while the Figs will act with those of the lower hepatic circulation, aiding - WITH those other compounds - to make for a better eliminant in the kidneys.
    We would remove the tooth at once, and then begin with the properties outlined below along with it; for while there will be some little trouble in removing the tooth itself, if a poultice of milk and figs is used on same the after effects will be very little.

. there is an excess and the abscess formation there - will make it necessary for the removal of the tooth,  that this elimination may be properly set up, for this irritation is aggravating to the whole nerve system, and especially to the sympathetic nerve system.  Then remove same, and treat locally with that of the poultice of the fig for the removal of the poisons there from cavity.


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