
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Marribium vulgare

Common Names and Synonyms: Common Horehound, White Horehound, Hoarhound, Marrubum

Background: Horehound is native to Europe and is cultivated in Britain.  Traditionally, horehound is used to treat bronchitis and aid in digestion.  A mint-like plant covered in downy white fur and should be picked when the small white blossoms appear, between June and September.  Horehound is used to flavor candy, cough drops and cold medicines.  Its high mucilage content soothes the throat and stimulates the flow of bile from the gall-bladder aiding digestion.

Horehound in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce recommended horehound primarily for respiratory and digestive problems.
  • Horehound was most often recommended as a syrup, usually in a formula.  The early readings that recommend horehound provide instructions for taking either green or (more often) dried horehound and producing the syrup as part of the overall formula.  In these early readings, the most common amounts were as follows:
      4 ounces 5 readings
      2 ounces 4 readings
      1 ounce 3 readings
      3 ounces 1 reading
      6 ounces 1 reading
    • The later readings simplified the process by consistently recommending syrup of horehound in the following amounts:

      1/2 ounce 23 readings
      1 ounce 7 readings
      1/4 ounce 6 readings
      2 ounces 4 readings
      1 tablespoon 2 readings
  • Horehound was often recommended with other substances in a compound.  Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings with Horehound were as follows:
      Rhubarb 27 readings
      Wild Cherry 24 readings
      Tolu 15 readings
      Stillingia 10 readings
      Benzoin 10 readings
      Camphor 8 readings
      Sassafras 7 readings
      Ginseng  6 readings
      Sarsaparilla 6 readings
      Calisaya 5 readings
      Pepsin  5 readings
Cayce Quotes on Horehound

    Now, to meet the needs of these conditions in this body would be to bring about that which will give the proper incentive to the nerve plexus and nerve reaction of the body.  Not as of great quantities of medicinal properties, nor of any heavy changes in the body in organic functioning.  Rather of consistent and persistent mental and physical action to bring about the correction; for the body then we would prepare first as this for medicinal properties:
    Take six (6) ounces horehound (preferably the green - or the dried may be used).  Put this in sixteen (16) ounces of distilled water.  Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to one- half (1/2) the quantity, or eight (8) ounces.  Strain, and while warm add two (2) ounces cane sugar, first dissolved in two (2) ounces of hot water.  Then reduce again the whole quantity to the eight (8) ounces.  Then add to this:
    Cut three (3) drams Balsam of Tolu in two (2) ounces of grain alcohol.  Then add one-half (1/2) ounce Elixir Calisaya, see?
    Shake the solution together before the dose is taken, which would be teaspoonful three (3) times each day.  The over or excess quantity of the horehound is as the active force in same to the tissue of the body, especially as regarding the functioning of the kidneys and of the functioning of the mucus producing tissue from diaphragm up, without suppressing the functioning of either the liver or the spleen.

    Also we would take OCCASIONALLY - once a day, or once every other day - a good swallow of a preparation of this:
    Take six (6) ounces of horehound.  To this add eight (8) ounces distilled water.  Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to one-half the quantity.  Then dissolve one (1) ounce of rock candy in two (2) ounces of eighty-five percent (85%) alcohol, see?  adding solutions to-gether.  Then add to this - after this has been compounded together -

    Oil of Sassafras.......................5 minims,
    Oil of Peppermint......................5 minims,
    Senna..................................1 grain.

    Shake this Solution together, and let the dose be taken of a teaspoonful, see, once a day or once every other day, whenever necessary for the system to complete digestion throughout the whole of the mesenteric system.

    For the irritation as is produced in the membrane of the throat and bronchials, and lungs, we would prepare as these: First we would take 3 ounces Wild Cherry Bark, this put in 16 ounces of distilled water.  Reduce by simmering to 1/2 the quantity.  This made as a carrier.  TO this we would add, after this has been strained, 4 ounces of beet sugar first dissolved in 2 ounces of water.  Then reduce to the original quantity, or the 8 ounces.  Then add:

    Syrup of Horehound...................2 ounces,
    Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla.......1 ounce,
    Tincture of Elixir of Stillingia...1/4 ounce,
    Canadian Balsam......................3 minims,
    Creosote, Rectified..................3 minims,
    Oil of Eucalyptus...................10 minims.

    Shake the solution well together before the dose is taken.  Take the dose whenever there is IRRITATION for the system, or throat or bronchials, or just before lying down, see?  In this same solution there should be also added Spirits Frumenti at least 4 ounces, see?  All this shaken together.
    Don't take them separate!  but take them together!

    Put 2 ounces of Strained Honey in 2 ounces of water and let come to a boil.  Skim off.  And then while warm, add IN THE MANNER AND IN THE ORDER AS GIVEN:

    Syrup of Horehound..........1/2 ounce,
    Syrup of Rhubarb............1/4 ounce,
    Glycerine....................20 minims.

    Stir this well together, then add to same 6 ounces of Apple Brandy.
    Use this as an expectorant as well as a stimulant.  If a teaspoonful is taken every two hours it will be the better.

    To 4 ounces of Distilled Water add 2 ounces of Strained Honey.  Let this come to a boil.  Skim off the refuse.  Then when this is not entirely cold but some cooler, to be sure, add 1 1/2 ounces of Grain Alcohol.  To this as the carrier, then, add - in the order named:

    Syrup of Horehound.....................1/2 ounce,
    Syrup of Rhubarb.......................1/4 ounce,
    Glycerine...............................10 minins,
    Chloroform...............................5 minins.

    Shake the solution well before the dose is taken, which would be a teaspoonful - that may be taken every hour, but take ONLY when the irritation in the throat is severe, or the cough.

    To 8 ounces of distilled water add 2 ounces Horehound (preferably dried).  Make a fusion of this by letting it come to a boil.  Then set aside to simmer or to cool.  But before it is entirely cool, strain and add to that left - which would be about 8 ounces - these ingredients, in the order named:

    Essence of Wild Ginseng...............1/2 ounce,
    A syrup made by allowing to come to a boil an equal quantity of
       Strained Honey and Water.............1 ounce,
    Essence of Wild Cherry................1/2 ounce,
    Pure Grain Alcohol as a preservative....2 ounces.

    This may be kept almost indefinitely.  Shake together before the dose is taken, which would be a teaspoonful when needed....
    The taking of those properties indicated for the allaying of cold and congestion - as in the Cherry, the Horehound - will not only aid DIGESTION but stimulate the circulation for the upper portion of the head and through the bronchial area, thus giving a better flow of circulation for the throat and the gums - if the massage of the Ipsab is taken as indicated.

    For the irritation from the cold, or the cough, make a compound with a small quantity of an anaesthesia - such as might be prepared best by the physician, for it would be necessary with the use of same, you see - such as a small quantity of chloroform.  Obtain same from Woodhouse, [Robt. W. Woodhouse, M. D.] see - just explain what is desired, and he will give the prescription for same, which will include other properties, of course, such as horehound and the like.


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