
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Cephaelis ipecacuanha

Common Names and Synonyms: Ipecacuanha, Bowman's Root, Wild Ipecac

Background: Ipecac is native to Central and South America.  Traditionally, ipecac has been used to treat congestive pulmonary conditions such as bronchitis and pertussis.  A powerful emetic, ipecac is used to induce vomiting in certain cases of poisoning.  The Indians used it as an emetic as well as an antidote for snakebite

Ipecac in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce regarded ipecac as an emit and expectorant.
  • Ipecac was typically recommended as a syrup either alone or as part of a formula.  The amounts were as follows:
      20 minims 6 readings
      40 minims 3 readings
      1/4 ounce 3 readings
      10 minims 2 readings
      5 minims 2 reading
      1 dram 1 reading
      1 ounce 1 reading
      1/2 teaspoon 1 reading
  • Numerous readings simply suggested keeping syrup of ipecac on hand for use as needed.
Cayce Quotes on Ipecac

    To 2 ounces of Pure Strained Honey add 2 ounces of Distilled Water.  Let this come to a boil, and strain or skim off the refuse forces as arise.  Do not boil too long.  Set aside to cool.  When nearly cool, add - IN THE ORDER NAMED:

    Pure Apple Brandy....................1 ounce,
    Syrup of Sarsaparilla Compound.....1/2 ounce,
    Syrup of Horehound.................1/2 ounce,
    Syrup of Lobelia...................1/4 ounce,
    Syrup of Ipecac......................1 ounce (This is rather a large quantity of this, but these combined with the other properties, well shaken together, will work with the mucous membranes to relieve the disturbance; PROVIDED the manipulations are given as indicated).
    The dose of this would be one-half teaspoonful, or just a little sip from the bottle, that may be carried and taken, not closer than an hour apart - the doses.  But this will relieve the coughs of a morning and during the evening, will make for rest, and will act as not only an assistant in the
eliminations but for drainages throughout the system.

    That to be warned against the most is the swallowing of the phlegm, or infection, that might find lodgment or produce the germ of colitis, or a colon affection.
    Hence DO NOT be disturbed at the vomiting when coughing. This is beneficial; for should there become the involving so much of the glands in the throat and trachea, the best thing to produce relaxation - or to reduce the swelling thus caused is to give Syrup of Ipecac to PRODUCE vomiting!

    Keep plenty of Syrup of Ipecac, handy in case the body should become choked or clogged, so that a dose may then be given to cause vomiting - about half a teaspoonful.


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