
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Verbascum thapsus

Common Names and Synonyms: Bunny's Ears, Flanneleaf, Jacob's-staff, Aaron's Rod, Lady's Foxglove, Donkey's Ears

Background: Native to Europe and temperate Asia, but now naturalized throughout much of the United States, mullein has been used since antiquity for respiratory ailments and as an anti-inflammatory.  Mullein is found growing along  the roadside, in hedgerows, and beside grassy banks. The plant can reach a height of six feet or more.  Both sides of the leaves are covered with a gray velvet. The spikes, which eventually are covered with dense lemon-yellow flowers, appear  in mid-summer to early autumn.   The leaves are rich in mucilage.   Another name for mullein is candlewick because the dried stems were once used for tapers, and  the down from the leaves was also collected, dried, and used for the making candle wicks.

Mullein in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce most often recommended mullein externally as a stupe (poultice) to increase circulation and relieve swelling and pain; and internally as a tea to improve circulation especially through the urinary tract and lower extremities.  In the Cayce readings, mullein tea and stupes can be considered a specific for varicose veins.
Cayce Quotes on Mullein

    Use as a poultice or as a counter-irritant to the exterior forces of the body across the abdomen and across the spleen force, or the lower end of the stomach here, those poultices as made of what is commonly known as mullein leaves.

    First we would begin with exterior applications of Mullein Stupes, or leaves, to those portions of the system where the distresses are shown in the excess of accumulations, both in the lumbar and limb.  By the use of these reduce the inflammation and swelling superficially.

(Q)  What is the remedy for swollen side, caused by pleurisy and swollen veins?  in abdomen, neck and side?
(A)  Application here, for the local conditions - and for these - would be the mullein stupes.  These are produced more from the condition in the RESPIRATORY system, as has been outlined, and when these are brought to a normalcy much of these will disappear.  These, for the specifics, would be of the mullein stupes.

(Q)  Just how should these Mullein stoops be prepared?
(A)  Preferably, when it's possible, have the green Mullein, bruised, with rather a poultice over same - that is, as stoop.  If dried, a larger quantity would be required.  These are placed between bandages, or thin cloths, and applied directly to those portions - across the kidneys, across the lumbar regions, across the abdomen, across the knee - and if pain is in the head apply at the BASE of the head.

    But to overcome the dropsical or fluid forming portions in the limb and in the abdomen, use the Mullein Stupes - Mullein Stupes.  These are to be used at least twice a day.  The activities of same upon the body itself will tend to make for the accumulations to be thrown off through the perspiratory system, excessively.  Hence it is necessary after each of these stupes that there be used an alkalin or an acid (preferably an acid) antiseptic solution, for the cleansing of the limb and the abdomen.  These stupes may be given for a period of half an hour to an hour, so long as they are kept in a manner that they will be active to remove the accumulations.
    These are the properties in same, then, and how they affect the body.  The heat from the very activity or applications of the stupes, to be sure, OPENS - as it were - the pores.  And the very nature of the Mullein is to absorb poisons from the body itself; relieving pain and causing the accumulations to be thrown off through the respiratory system.

    As has been indicated, we would keep the Sweet Oil on the hands - preferably, or especially, after they have been bathed or washed in a strong solution of tea from the Mullein Leaves.  The hands should be rubbed off in this tea, you see, just as if washing the hands.  Then when they are dried (by sponging with the towel, rather than rubbing), pat or rub on the Sweet Oil.  This will relieve the tension and the pressure.
(Q)  Will this Mullein Tea and the Sweet Oil relieve the severe itching on hands?
(A)  That is what it is for!

    Use a little tea made from the Mullein, internally - preferably made from the flower, but this is early in the season for same.  The proportions would be about half a dram to a quart of water.  Let it steep like tea.  Take about an ounce of this once a day, internally.  This will be helpful for the general condition of the inflammation throughout the intestinal system.

    Also we find that a tea made from the Mullein flower would be well.  The proportions would be about a level teaspoonful to a pint of water, and let this steep as tea.  Taking about an ounce of this twice a day will aid in keeping down this tendency for dizziness, and aid in the activity of the kidneys to expel - and the channels through the system for expelling stone.

    Also we find that a weak Mullein Tea would aid in reducing the tendencies for the accumulation of lymph through the abdomen and the limbs.  Prepare same in this manner:
    To 1 pint of water add 1 ounce of the Mullein well bruised (with some of the flower included, would be well).  Let it come ALMOST to a boil.  Then set it aside to cool.  Keep it on ice, of course, and make fresh every day or two.  Take a tablespoonful of this about twice or three times a day.

    Each day, - preferably just before retiring, - take internally about an ounce or ounce and a half of Mullein Tea.  Prepare same in this manner; preferably gathering the Mullein Leaves AND the flower fresh - at this season:  Cut these very fine, and put about two ounces of same (by measure, not by weight) in a quart of water.  Let this steep as tea.  Do not attempt to keep this longer than two days, even with keeping same on ice, for it will not keep, you see.  Hence it should be made fresh every third day, you see....
    The glandular forces, of course, are in the adrenals.  Thus the Mullein Tea will relieve the pressures upon the kidneys, as well as the bladder disturbance that at times causes some anxiety.
(Q)  How soon should she go to work again?
(A)  This will depend upon how much the body stands upon the feet, and as to how well the reaction is from the Mullein Tea.
    If the feet and limbs give a great deal of trouble, apply Mullein Stupes also to the limbs - which will reduce the disturbance.  Bruise the leaves, pour boiling water over them to wilt them, and then apply to the limbs as a poultice.

    We would use the Mullein flower and Mullein tea as an aid in better elimination.  Make it as ordinary tea, brew it as tea, see?  This would be taken at least every other day, about two ounces.

(Q)  What can I do to cure Varicose Vein in right leg?
(A)  Massage with an ointment made from Mullein juices with Cocoa Butter and Oil of Butter.  [2/11/53 GD's note:  Mr. [462] told me today that he has used this ointment whenever swelling of vein occurs - has no more trouble.]

(Q)  Why does the head keep pulling and jerking?
(A)  The incoordination between the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal system.  Thus the necessity, as indicated, for the application of the Mullein Stupes when there is pain or jerking.  This is the effect of the clots of the lymph in the muscular and nerve forces in the neck and head.

    We would also take Mullein Tea.  This should be made of the fresh, green, tender leaves.  Pour a pint of boiling water over an ounce of the Mullein leaves and let steep for about twenty to thirty minutes.  Then strain and keep in the ice box, so that it may be kept fresh.  Take about an ounce to an ounce and a half of this each day.  Make this fresh at least every two to three days.  Keep this up, and it will aid in the circulation, in the elimination of the character of acid in system, and aid in the circulation through the veins - that are disturbing.
    When there is the ability to rest, apply the Mullein Stupes to the areas in knee and along the thigh, and just below the knee where the veins are the more severe.  But the Tea taken internally will be more effective.

    If there will be the walking, and not merely standing or resting, and the taking of a small quantity of Mullein Tea every other day, these will disappear - and this disturbance will disappear.  The therapeutic reaction is to better circulation - through the kidneys, especially as related to the lower limbs.
    Prepare the Mullein Tea in this manner:  Bruise the fresh Mullein Leaves and some of the flower, especially at this period of the year.  Use about two ounces (in quantity, not in weight) to about a quart of water.  Let this steep as tea.  Take two or three ounces every other day; it may be taken twice during that day, but this is the quantity to be consumed during the day, see?  Keep it in a cool place, and make fresh almost each time it is used, see?

    Over the areas of the varicose veins we would apply the Mullein stupes.  If the dried Mullein is used, this may be used in a very strong Mullein water.  Do not attempt to have these veins removed by surgery.  For, when these have been reduced by the activities of the osteopathic adjustments, later - when Spring comes - there may be used the mullein Tea - made from the fresh tender leaves of the Mullein that will be very helpful in this respect; keeping up the Mullein stupes, however, about once a week along on the varicose veins.
(Q)  Above all, what can I do for this itching or sticking sensation I have on my privates for months at a time?
(A)  This will be relieved by those properties that have been taken and that will be taken - especially the Mullein Tea, when this can be made from the fresh Mullein.  Use douches of Glyco-Thymoline - this would be two tablespoonsful to a quart of water body temperature; not cold, not hot, but body temperature.  Use only a fountain syringe.

(Q)  Would the Mullein Tea be good for body now also?  If so how much?
(A)  Not unless there is trouble with varicose veins or the tendency for a dropsical condition through the pelvic areas.  This taken occasionally is not bad for anybody and it will be very good for you.
(Q)  Does it make any difference whether the Mullein is dried or fresh?
(A)  Does it make any difference whether cabbage is wilted before it is boiled?  It should indeed be fresh, not as in people, but as in the vegetable kingdom; not applying to people being fresh, but plants used for medicinal purposes, the fresher, the more active the better.  And there is quite a variation between green Mullein and dried Mullein, but whichever you use, use the same all the while.


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