
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Peruvian Bark

Botanical Name: Cinchona succirubra

Common Names and Synonyms: Red Bark, Jesuit's Powder

Background: Peruvian Bark, a source of quinine,  is world-renowned for its use in treating periodic fevers, such as malaria.
See Chinchona calisaya for a comparison with another variety of this family.  Peruvian Bark has also been used as a digestive system stimulant. The reddish-brown bitter tasting  powdered bark is also know as Jesuits' Powder, and was first documented in 1633 by Jesuit missionary  in Peru.  In 1640, Peruvian bark was introduced to Europe; eventually,  it was renamed Chinchona after the Countess of Chinchon promoted the medicinal qualities of the bark.

Peruvian Bark in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce recommended Peruvian bark as a digestive aid and stimulant.
  • Peruvian bark was most recommended in the following amounts:
      1/2 ounce 9 readings
      1 ounce 2 readings
      1/4 ounce 1 reading
    • Essence of Peruvian bark was recommended in 3 readings (10 drops, 30 drops, 1/2 ounce) and as syrup of Peruvian bark in 2 readings (1/4 ounce).

  • Peruvian bark was typically recommended as an ingredient in complex tonics.  The substances most often mentioned in the same readings with Peruvian bark include:
      Tolu 14 readings
      Sarsaparilla 13 readings
      Wild Cherry 12 readings
      Calisaya  11 readings
      Elder Flower  9 readings
      Yellow Dock 9 readings
      Burdock Root 8 readings
      Sassafras 7 readings
      Capsicum 6 readings
      Buchu Leaves 5 readings
  • Note that calisaya (Cinchona calisaya) was prescribed in combination with Peruvian bark in 11 of the 20 readings for this herb.  It is interesting that Edgar Cayce saw the need to combine these two closely related varieties of cinchona in the same formulas.
Cayce Quotes on Peruvian Bark

    Then, we would first prepare those of this nature, in a compound as this:  Better were this carried in that of both pepsin and wild cherry, or a cherry with the pepsin added.  These are as REGULAR carriers.  To 3 ounces of such, add:

    Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla........1/2 ounce,
    Tincture of Stillingia................1/4 ounce,
    Elixir Calisaya.......................1/4 ounce,
    Cincho Syrup, or the syrup of
       Peruvian Bark......................1/4 ounce,
    Tincture of Capsici.....................2 minims.

    Shake solution together before the dose is taken, which would be half a teaspoonful in water, or  followed by water, at least twice each day.
    Stillingia - an active force in the functioning of the liver, as related to the pancreas, and IS a stimuli TO same, as is the Calisaya, and ESPECIALLY the Calisaya with Peruvian Bark SYRUP will aid in destroying that tendency of WEAKNESS in the distribution of that assimilated - as well as that of the Capsici, will produce especially a stimuli to those secretions in pancreas and in duodenum, for the proper assimilation and ELIMINATION from the system.

    Take, also, internally, to remove this trouble Peruvian Bark and Alcohol, just enough to tone up the tissues and cause a reaction or a tonic effect.  Do not excite too strongly or magnify the condition within the intestines themselves.  Too much will produce inflammation, too little won't produce anything.  Use judgement and use just enough so that we will have force sufficient to remove this condition that exists in the blood current.  When these conditions are removed this condition that exists in the eye, the face, the shoulders, the rush of blood to the head will all be removed, nature exerts itself in the right way and the whole system is rebuilt.

(Q)  What special tonic for the hair - quinine tonic - is meant?
(A)  Just what is given!  Quinine Tonic!  That's what it's called!  It is, it carries quinine or the properties from which it is made.  It's the juices from the Peruvian Bark as combined with alcohol and the rum.  This as we find for this body is the more preferable.  As given when this is massaged let it come around close to the edge of the hair, around those parts.  It'll burn a little bit the first three to four times it's used, but it is the most helpful for THIS body; and stimulating for the growth of the hair, for the preservation of the color, for the preservation of its lustre and the whole livelihood as it were.  And as we stimulate the system not only with the glandular forces but the corrections in the digestive forces by stimulating in the lumbar axis snd the sacral areas, we will find better conditions.


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