
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Nicotiana tabacum

Common Names and Synonyms: Common Tobacco

Background: The tobacco plant is stout and has large, broad, dark green leaves.  The flowers are green-white to rose color and are tubular. The leaves and  all plant parts contain nicotine.  The cured, dried leaves are used for cigarettes.  For centuries, tobacco was smoked by Native Americans in ceremonies and used as a poultice for the treatment of cuts, sprains, and bites.  In modern times, excessive tobacco use has been linked to heart and lung disease and cancer.

Tobacco in the Cayce Readings
  • For medicinal purposes, tobacco (when included in an ointment for topical application) was recommended by Edgar Cayce for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Although tobacco was mentioned in 66 readings, many of these readings pertained to the commercial production or personal use of tobacco with only 5 readings pertaining directly to the medicinal use for treating hemorrhoids.
  • When asked repeatedly about the personal use of tobacco, Edgar Cayce consistently maintained that moderate use of tobacco was not injurious for most individuals.  However, many of these readings went on to describe the pathological effects of tobacco for the particular individual who was using it in excess.
Cayce Quotes on Tobacco

    These are specifics; one that will make a cure, though you mustn't say this - of course - the law doesn't allow it, but it will!  The other is as a relief, and should be so advertised - that it DOES relieve, and with the proper precautions in diet and in exercise will remove hemorrhoids and piles, and do good for old sores also - as leg sores.
    In preparing same in a commercial way and manner, it would be well that some PREPARATION be made for the production of this in a UNIFORM manner.  Just as will be found when there is to be made any of these in quantities, that STEAM will cook a great deal faster than anything else - and copper with a jacket, where steam is turned under same, will prepare all things better.  But in the beginning, begin with what one has IN HAND; and THEN, USING that, the next step is given.
    This the proportion in the preparation of Tim (long pause):
    As we find, there are other properties much preferable in the use of same than the old formula.
    Here's the better formula:
    To 1 ounce Oil of Butterfat, add:

    Tincture of Benzoin..................10 minims,
    Atomidine, or atomic iodine...........5 minims, (or
       iodine, though atomic iodine is that with the poison
       out - but plain iodine is not as expensive as the
    Powdered tobacco or snuff.............3 drams, preferably
       the snuff - the powdered.

    Stir well together.  Preferable that this never be put in tin, but rather in the porcelain or glass; and should be in an ounce or ounce and a quarter hexagon-shaped jar, preferably.  The directions would be to apply as an ointment to affected portions once or twice each day.  Rest as much as possible AFTER application, with the feet elevated ABOVE the head.  It'll cure it!

    In meeting the needs in the present, a little time, a little precaution, and a rather returning to those things as has been outlined for the system - see?  There may be used in an ointment, or an application for those folds in the lower portion of the colon and anus [for hemorrhoids] itself, in that portion of the body, that as would be combined in as this:
    Take the oil of butterfat (fresh butter, not that that's been salted), and reduce same so that there is no water in same, or milk - see?  Take one-half ounce of this, see?  To this add one-quarter ounce of Burton's powdered tobacco or snuff.  Boil this together, or heat together, so that the tobacco is cooked.  To this add four drops of Tincture of Iodine and one drop of Oil of Turp (not turpentine, but Oil of Turp, or Canadian Balsam).  Use this as an ointment, mixed thoroughly together while hot - then let congeal, see? [GD: Another simple formula for that called TIM?]

    The effect of the smoking of tobacco is a stimulant to the nerves of the body.  In moderation it is not injurious to the body.  The excess is what produced the trouble to the system.

(Q)  Does smoking have any effect on this body?
(A)  Conditions arise from the condition in the liver and not from those from the stimulus in the lung forces, from smoking, or to the throat.  An over-amount, of course, over-stimulates, but tobacco to this body is rather a sedative then a stimulant.  The over-stimulant produces both the condition in the liver and the kidneys.

     IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find this above the normal in pressure, more by the condition produced in the system by chewing tobacco than anything else, and this affects the glands of the salivary glands, and produces this over stimulation in the digestive tract.  Hence the creation of more blood forces, and the excitement to the centers of blood flow nerve centers, and those conditions that bring about these creating of elements in the system to meet the needs.

(Q)  Is tobacco good?
(A)  Tobacco in moderation, as all stimulants, is not so harmful.  However, overacidity or overalkalinity causes same to become detrimental.


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