
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
White Pine Oil
Botanical Name: Pinus  strobus

Common Names and Synonyms: Pinus Alba, Weymouth Pine, Pin du Lord, soft pine

Background: Pine oil is distilled from any or all portions of the white pine tree. The white pine is native to eastern North America.  This five-needled pine is an asymmetrical tree that can grow up to 200 ft. high.  The bark darkens to gray-brown as the tree ages, becoming deeply furrowed, with rectangular scales. The bark has a fragrance similar to tea.  The needles are 2 to 4 inches long, and the tapering cones grow 3 to 10 inches long. The Iroquois utilized an extract of the inner bark as an ingredient in cough medicines and for soothing irritated mucous membranes. Some modern herbalist use white phine oil in ointments and bath salts.

White Pine Oil in the Cayce Readings

  • White pine oil was mentioned in approximately 28 readings between 1917 and 1934 for both internal and external applications:
    • It was typically combined with other ingredients (most often eucalyptol or benzosol) as an inhalant for cough and congestion.
    • White pine oil was also used as an ingredient in massage oils.
    • In at least 6 readings white pine oil was included in a medicinal compound containing small amounts of heroin and other ingredients.  The formula was to be taken orally.  Most of these cases involved serious respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis.
    • Reading 601-4 contains a general purpose cough syrup formula that includes syrup of white pine.
Cayce Quotes on White Pine Oil

    For the cough or congestion we would use oil of white pine twenty minims, in four ounces Spirits Frumenti, shaken well together, see, and the dose would be half a teaspoonful about three times each day - oftener if the cough produces nausea, see.

    There should be given at this time, first the air that the body inhales should be ladened with Eucalyptol and Creosote, equal parts in water boiling, and the fumes from same in the air the body breathes.
    There should be given immediately to the body inhalations from brandy (apply brandy), or from pure grain alcohol.
    There should be given as medicinal properties, this as a dose:

                  Eucalyptol.......................1 minim,
                  Benzosol.........................2 minims,
                  Oil of White Pine.............1 minim,
                  Heroin.............................1/60 grain.

    These should be confined in capsules and given to the body one every four hours, until relief is given, for this will act directly with the heart's forces, the digestion, the blood supply and respiratory system.

. for the congestion those properties as would be found in the inhalation of equal parts of:

                  Oil of White Pine
                  Tincture of Balsam of Tolu, or
                  Tincture of Tolu,

    in very hot water, and inhale these fumes deep into the bronchials and lungs, and through nostrils also.
    Use as an inhalant, not too often but at least once each day before retiring:
    To four ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:

                  Eucalyptol............................20 minims,
                  Rectified Oil of Turp.............15 minims,
                  Canadian Balsam..................15 minims,
                  Oil of White Pine...................10 minims.

    Some of these are nearer the same proportion.  However,  in the strength as given for each, each has its mission to perform in the lung and blood supply, and will affect the organs of the system in the correct manner.

    Then we would have this prepared as an expectorant and as an aid to the eliminations in the alimentary canal (and this would be a very good cough syrup for anyone to have!):
    To 4 ounces of compound Simple Syrup, add - IN THE ORDER NAMED:

                  Eucalyptol, Oil of............20 minims,
                  Syrup of Rhubarb...........1/4 ounce,
                  Syrup of White Pine........1/4 ounce,
                  Glycerine.........................20 minims,
                  Chloroform......................5 minims.

    Shake the solution together before the dosage is taken, which would be a teaspoonful every two to three hours.

. we would prepare a compound to be massaged into the body, in these proportions and combined in the order named:
    To 4 ounces Russian White Oil, add:

                  Cedar Oil (Oil of the wood, NOT nut oil)...1/2 ounce,
                  Oil of White Pine........................................1/4 ounce,
                  Witchhazel..................................................1 ounce,
                  Oil of Mustard.............................................5 minims,
                  Coal Oil.......................................................2 ounces,
                  Tincture of Benzoin......................................1/2 ounce.

    These will tend to separate as they stand in solution. Before using as a massage shake well together and pour a small quantity into a saucer or open container.  Begin with the massage on the spine at about the 9th dorsal area. Massage in a circular motion to the lower end of the spine, all the body will absorb.  Then begin along the hips and down to the lower portion of the feet and ankles, where the swelling tends to come at times.  We would also begin then in the brachial area, or at the 1st and 2nd dorsal, massaging to  the points of the shoulder blades and out the arms.  Then a little to the base of the brain.  This we would do at least every other day, requiring about thirty minutes; take this much time in the massage, not too severe but gently.

    The conditions at the present time, while serious, yet have passed the most serious part, and with the correct attention, and with that which will keep the lungs from falling, and from congestion further in bronchials and in the throat, will prevent any further inroads of that condition at the present time.  The general resistance in the system is not exhausted, though much of the reserve energy has been burned up; yet with the renewed forces we will find we will bring relief to the body.
    First, we would keep in the air, or in that as breathed by the body, those properties, equal parts, Creosote and White Pine in gallon to two gallons of water, and keep boiling with these fumes escaping in the room.  We would apply to the brachial forces, that is, between the shoulders, those of a poultice of Leek and Onions.

    To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:

                  Eucalyptus Oil..............20 minims,
                  Benzosol......................5 minims,
                  Canadian Balsam.........5 minims,
                  Oil of White Pine.........5 minims.

    This is to be shaken well when used and at times, heated so evaporation will take place faster.  The fumes are to be inhaled through the mouth, not taken internally.
(Q)  Mr. Cayce, when did [2245] have the fall that caused the asthmatic condition?
(A)  The asthmatic condition has been the development from the condition the fall produced, which was when the body was about five or six years old, you see.
(Q)  How often should this body inhale these fumes, Mr.  Cayce?
(A)  As often as necessary to relieve the condition.  When they present themselves, that is, the condition, inhale the fumes and it will relieve.  With the vibrations we will gradually remove that which will produce the condition, see.

    Take a three gallon keg, oak that is charred or what is known as whiskey keg, we would put one gallon of apple brandy in this.  This is sealed or corked, then set on end and placed close to a heat, where this heat will cause gas to collect in upper portion of the keg.  Connect a tube to this and inhale the gas in the larynx and lungs, three or four times a day. Inhale it as would smoke, you see, into mouth, through larynx and in lungs.  The first time this is done do not take too much or it will produce intoxication to the sensories.  It will carry the healing properties.
    The medicinal property to be taken:  Take once every three days, this as a dose prepared in capsules, though it is a liquid:

                  Heroin....................1/80 grain,
                  Eucalyptus..............1 minim,
                  Oil of White Pine....1 minim.

    This will prevent any more of the hemorrhages.  It will not be necessary to take more than three doses of this.  Only prepare one dose at a time, as it will not keep.

    To one gallon of grain alcohol in a wood container that was charred, we would add:

                  Oil of Juniper.......................2 ounces,
                  Rectified Oil of White Pine...2 ounces,
                  Oil of Eucalyptus..................2 ounces,
                  Oil of Benzol [Benzosol].......2 ounces.

    This would be inhaled into the lungs through the mouth, or the gases from these - not the properties themselves, but this would be heated or be kept where gas would form in the container above the liquid.  Then twice each day, this or the gases from this would be inhaled into lungs themselves, giving the incentives to the forces throughout.

    There is at the 6th dorsal a lesion formed, producing an impinionment to the nerve branches between the 5th and 6th segments, that affects the circulation through the lungs and the bronchials... first the condition along the spinal column of the physical nature must be corrected.  That had best be accomplished by local applications of heat and adjustments of the segments themselves, then that in the system that would create the proper incentives to the system to overcome the conditions created both in the blood supply force and the stomach, the intestines themselves - we would therefore adjust the conditions.  Then take into the system those incentives that will give the balance of force in the body.
    To one gallon of grain alcohol in a wood container that was charred, we would add:

                  Oil of Juniper.......................2 ounces,
                  Rectified Oil of White Pine...2 ounces,
                  Oil of Eucalyptus..................2 ounces,
                  Oil of Benzol [Benzosol].......2 ounces.

    This would be inhaled into the lungs through the mouth, or the gases from these - not the properties themselves, but this would be heated or be kept where gas would form in the container above the liquid.  Then twice each day, this or the gases from this would be inhaled into lungs themselves, giving the incentives to the forces throughout.

    Inhale this through the lungs, see:

                  Oil of Eucalyptus.......................2 ounces,
                  Rectified Oil of White Pine.........1 ounce,
                  Benzosol....................................1 ounce.

    This would be placed in a glass container with a tube, (which could be corked), and when the solution is to be inhaled, shake well, heat until vapor is thrown off and inhale through  the mouth into the lungs to assist these in clarifying the blood forces as they are carried there for clarification.

    Lungs, with the bacilli carried, show its effect in lungs themselves proper. Organically these show how that this has produced in the cells this condition that is not being eliminated either through circulation or through the pulmonary forces in the exhaling or of the forces in the lymphatics to meet or destroy the condition as it works in the system.  Digestion poor but very good for the condition.  That of the liver and the hepatics high and involved sympathetically, not organically.  Kidneys overtaxed and enlarged, so we have inflammation through the bladder and through all this portion of the body, see.
    To give the relief for this body that would be of beneficial forces, we would do this:  To four ounces of grain alcohol add:

                  Eucalyptol......................20 minims,
                  Canadian Balsam...........15 minims,
                  Oil of White Pine...........10 minims,
                  Creosote (liquid)............5 minims.

    This would be heated and the fumes from this, - that is a small quantity of this after it is shaken together, see, - every four hours, heated and inhaled through the nostrils and mouth into the lungs, see.  After this has been used,  - that is the whole quantity of four ounces, heated so the evaporations come off, - use the same solution and add that of the forces as would be found in that of Heroin, one grain would be added to this solution, you see, so the effect in the inhalation would come from this, not taken internally, but breathed in.

    To six ounces of grain alcohol add:

                  Balsam of White Pine.........15 minims,
                  Balsam of Myrrh................5 minims,
                  Rectified Spirit of Turp.......5 minims,
                  Eucalyptol..........................5 minims.

    This would be shaken well together, small quantity poured into a receptacle which may be heated so that the fumes from this solution may be inhaled into the throat and nostrils that we may enliven the supplying of carbon and of the oxidized oxygen or ozone to the blood supply as reached through the lung forces, see.

    Let the air as is inhaled by the body (not too strong but theair) be ladened with equal parts of:

                  Eucalyptol Oil,
                  Oil of White Pine,
                  Tincture of Lobelia.

    These be placed in water and boiled, or steamed, in the room.

. that which will bring an equalization of vibratory forces to the organs of the system, and only give that in the medicinal properties as would produce the necessary functioning of the mucus gland in system to assist in perfect elimination in body.  This would be found by taking in the system each morning before breakfast, small quantities of Phosphate of Soda in half glass of water.  After this is ready to be taken in the system, add five (5) drops of Syrup of Sarsaparilla.  Each third day, add to this one (1) drop of Oil of White Pine.

    For the local condition in lung forces, use an inhalant of this:  To four ounces of grain alcohol, add:

                  Eucalyptol......................10 minims,
                  Oil of White Pine ...........5 minims,
                  Rectified Oil of Turp.......5 minims.

    Shake this solution, keep well corked, but inhale through the mouth, inhale the fumes as will come from this solution, taking none of the solution in the system, only the fumes from same.  Do this at least twice each day, or with any depression as we find appears at times, any cough.  We will find we will bring relief to this body.  Do this consistently, persistently.  We will find we will bring normal forces in eight to ten months.  Not necessary that chiropractic forces be kept this long, but the adjustments should be made, but the vibrations from battery forces, the exercises of the head and neck must be kept up.


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