
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Remedy 2790-1: Gastralgia Tonic

    This tonic was recommended for a woman suffering from "extreme nervousness and gastralgia"  or nervous digestion.  The intended action is to improve assimilation and elminations.  The formula contains wild cherry bark (preferably from the north side of the tree), yellow root, red root, prickly ash bark, elder flower, balm of Gilead and a grain alcohol base.

    For use as a digestive tonic to for nervous or painful digestion.

    No known contraindications.

    The dosage is one teaspoonful four times each day before meals.


    To one gallon of rain water we would add:

    4 oz. ...............Wild Cherry Bark, preferably from the North side of the tree.
    2 oz.................Yellow Root
    2 oz.................Red Root
    1 oz.................Prickly Ash Bark
    1 oz.................Elder Flower

    Reduce this by simmering, not boiling, to one quart, strain, while warm add:

    2 drams..............Balm of Gilead
    6 oz.................Grain Alcohol

    The dose with this would be teaspoonful four times each day before meals.  The effect with this on the system is to give the stimulation to the organs and to the eliminating forces in the system, as in this:
    The active principle from the Wild Cherry Bark with the other ingredients is a stimulation to the lungs, throat and bronchials and those organs above the diaphragm.
    The Yellow Root is for the pneumogastric forces and gastric juices of the pyloric end of the stomach itself.
    The Red Root is a stimulus for the secretions given by the pancrean forces and the spleen in its functioning from the blood cell forces as destroyed there.
    The Prickly Ash Bark is for the blood supply as acted upon in the emunctory forces of the liver itself proper.
    The Elder Flower is as that in the functioning of the organs of the pelvis with the action of the kidneys, with the stimulation from the alcohol and Balm of Gilead in these organs.

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