
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
The Complete Herbalist
by Dr. O. Phelps Brown (1878)
    It is confidently believed that all the technical terms introduced into this work are fully defined in this Glossary.  Many of the medical terms are explained where they occur, and even some of those that are here defined are explained at the place where first employed, but are inserted here also, so as to make this Glossary sufficiently complete for ready reference by the most casual reader.

ACRO-NARCOTIC, Medicines that act on the brain, or spinal marrow, or both, but at the same  time irritate the parts to which they are applied.
ADJUVANT, A medicine that aids the operation of the principal ingredient of a mixture or  compound.
ADYNAMIC, Pertaining to adynamia, or debility of the vital powers.
AERATION, Charging with air; the transformation of venous blood and chyle into arterial blood  by respiration; arterialization.
AFFERENT, Conveying inward, nerves that convey impressions towards the nervous centres.
ALBUMEN, The immediate principle of animals and vegetables; it constitutes the chief part of  the white of an egg.
ALKALOID, Having the property of or pertaining to an alkali.
ALVINE, Relating to the lower belly, as alvine dejections, etc.
AMAROUS, bitter.
ANAESTHETIC, Relating to privation of feeling; a medicine that prevents feeling.
ANAEMIA, A bloodless condition.
ANTAPHRODISIAC, A substance capable of blunting venereal desires.
ANTIPERIODIC, A medicine which possesses the power of arresting morbid periodical   movements, as Peruvian bark.
APERIENT, A medicine that gently opens the bowels.
APHONIA, A voiceless condition; loss of voice.
APHRODISIAC, A substance that excites the venereal passions.
ANTISEPTIC, Opposed to putrefaction.
APHTHOUS, Pertaining to aphthae or thrush.
AREOLAR, Appertaining to an areola, or the space between the fibres, composing organs, or  between vessels which interlace each other.
ASTHENIC, Debilitated; pertaining to asthenia, or want of strength.
ATOCIAC, Pertaining to atocia or sterility; sterile.
ATONIC, Wanting tone; weakness of every organ, and particularly of those that are contractile.
ATROPHY, Defective nutrition; a diminution in the bulk of the whole body, or or a part.

GOUGIE, An instrument used for the purpose of dilating the urethra.

CACHECTIC, Belonging or pertaining to cachexia; depraved nutrition, or a bad habit of the  body.
CADAVEROUS, Pertaining to or resembling the cadaver, or dead body.
CALISTHENIC, Pertaining to calisthenics, or the art of promoting, by appropriate exercises,  strength of body and grace of movements.
CAPILLARY, Hair-like; small.
CARIES, Death or decay of a bone.
CARMINATIVE, A remedy that allays pain or promotes the expulsion of flatus, or wind, from  the bowels.
CARDIAC, Pertaining to the heart.
CARTILAGE, A solid part of the body of a medium consistence between bone and ligament.
CASEINE, The chief constituent of milk.
CATAMENIAL, Pertaining to catamenia, or menstrual flow.
CATHARSIS, A natural or artificial purgation, or movement of the bowels.
CEREBRAL, Pertaining to the brain.
CERVICAL, Pertaining or belonging to the cervix or neck.
CHOLAGOGUE, A medicine that causes a flow of bile.
CHOLESTERINE, An inodorous, insipid substance, forming the crystalline part of a biliary  calculas, and contained in neurine and various other tumors; also in the seeds of many  plants, olive oil, etc.
CHRONIC, Of long duration.
CYMIFICATION, Formation of chyme, or the pulp formed by the food and various secretions,  after it has been for some time in the stomach.
CLONIC, Irregular convulsive motions; convulsion with alternate relaxation.
COLLIQUATIVE, Profuse; exhausting; a term applied to discharges which produce rapid  exhaustion.
COMATOSE, Pertaining to coma, or a profound state of sleep, from which it is difficult to  arouse the individual.
CORRIGENT, Corrective; a medicine that mollifies or corrects the action of a pharmaceutical  preparation.

DEGLUTITION, The action of swallowing.
DELIRIUM, Straying from the rules of reason; wandering of the mind.
DEOBSTRUENT.  A medicine having the power of removing obstructions.
DEODORIZED, Deprived of odor or smell.
DESQUAMATION, Exfoliation, or separation of the scarf skin, in the form of scales.
DETERGENTS, Medicines that cleanse parts, as wounds, ulcers, etc.
DIAGNOSTICATE, Forming a diagnosis or character of a disease by its symptoms.
DIAPHORESIS, A greater degree of perspiration than natural, but less than sweating.
DIATHESIS, Disposition of the body; predisposition to a certain disease.  DISCUTIENT, A medicine having the power to discuss, repel, or resolve tumors.
DIURESIS, A greater discharge of urine than natural.
DRASTIC, Active; a name given to those cathartics that operate powerfully.
DUCT, The canal leading from a gland or vesicle.
DYSPNOEA, Difficulty of breathing.

ECTOZOA, Parasitic animals that infest the exterior of the body, as lice, etc.
EFFERENT, Conveying outwards; nerves that convey nervous stimulus from the brain to other  parts.
EFFLUVIA, Emanations, miasms, noxious matter.
EJACULATOR, That which effects the emission of sperm.
EMBRYO, The fecundated germ in the early stages of its development in the womb.
EMULSION, A pharmaceutical preparation, in which oil is suspended in water by means of  mucilage.
EMUNCTORY, Any organ whose office it is to excrete or expel matters.
ENDEMIC, Diseases which are owing to some peculiarity in a situation or locality.  Thus, ague  is endemic in marshy countries.
EPISPADIAS, A condition of the penis in which the urethra opens at the upper part of the organ.
ERUCTATION, A sonorous emission of flatus, by the mouth, from the stomach.
EXACERBATION, Increase in the symptoms of a disorder; paroxysm.
EXANTHEMATOUS, Relating to the exanthems or eruptive diseases.
EXCRESCENCE, A tumor which forms at the surface of organs, especially the skin, mucous  membranes, and ulcerated surfaces.
EXFOLIATION, The separation of dead portions from the various tissues.
EXTRAVASATION, Escape of a fluid from the vessel which contains it, as blood from the  veins.
EXUDATION, The oozing of a matter from the pores of a membrane; also the matter that issues  in such a manner.

FACIAL, Relating to the face.
FAECAL, Relating to the faeces or stools.
FALX, A name given to several membranous reflections having the shape of a scythe.
FARINACEOUS, Having the appearance or nature of farina, or the powder obtained by grinding  the seeds of certain plants.
FEBRIFUGE, having the power of abating or driving away fever.
FEBRILE, Relating to or having the character of fever.
FIBRIN, An immediate animal principle entering into the composition of the chyle and the  blood; it is the coagulable material of blood.
FLEXOR, Muscles whose office it is to bend certain parts.
FLUCTUATION, The undulation of a fluid which is felt by pressure, properly practised.
FOETUS, Usually this name is applied to the product of conception after quickening, or more  advanced stage of utero-gestation; more vaguely, it is used synonymously with embryo.
FOLLICLE, A small secreting cavity formed by a depression of the skin or mucous membrane.
FUNGOUS, Relating to funga, or certain growths resembling the mushroom, which have no  external ulceration, as warts, etc.

GANGLION, A name generally given to a knot-like enlargement in the course of a nerve.
GANGRENE, Privation of life or partial death of an organ; mortification.
GASTRIC, Relating to the stomach.
GELATINE, An immediate animal principle of jelly-like character.
GENITALIA, The genital or sexual organs.
GLAND, Organs which, separate from the blood any fluid whatever; a secreting organ; the  reddish and spongy, knot-like bodies met with in the course of the lymphatics.
GLUTEN, An immediate principle of vegetables; it is soft, of a grayish white, viscid  consistence, and very elastic.       GRANULATION, Granulations are the reddish, conical, flesh-like shoots which form at the  surface of wounds and ulcers.
GRAVID, Pregnant.
GRUMOUS, Clotted; grumous blood is coagulated or clotted blood.

HALLUCINATION, A morbid error in one or more senses; a delusion.
HELICINE, Resembling in form the tendrils of a vine.
HEMORRHAGE, A flow of blood.
HEPATIC, Relating to the liver.
HYGIENIC, Relating to hygiene, or that part of medicine whose object is the preservation of  health.
HYPERTROPHY, The state of a part in which nutrition is performed with greater activity.   Unusual bulk of a part.
HYPNOTIC, A medicine having the power to promote or cause sleep.
HYPOSPADIAS, A malformation, in which the urethra opens at the base or beneath the penis.

IDIOPATHIC, A primary disease; one not dependent on any other.
IDIOSYNCRASY, A peculiarity of constitution, in which one person is affected by an agent  which in many others would produce no effect.
INDOLENT, This, in a medical sense, means painless.
INDURATION, The hardness which occasionally follows in an inflamed part.
INFUSORIA, The animalcules originating in decomposition of matter.
INGESTA, Substances introduced into the body by the mouth as food.
INSPISSATED, Rendered thick, as an extract.
INTEGUMENT, Anything which serves to cover or envelop.
INTEROSSEOUS, Between the bones.

JACTATION, Extreme anxiety, excessive restlessness--a symptom observed in serious diseases.

KYESTEIN, A peculiar pellicle forming on the urine of a pregnant woman, when allowed to  stand for a few days.

LACRYMAL, Belonging to the tears.
LESION, Derangement, disorder, any morbid change.
LIGAMENT, A fibrous substance, serving to unite bones and to form joints.
LIGATURE, A cord or thread with which an artery or tumor is tied.
LUMBAR, Pertaining to the loins.
LYMPH, A name given to the fluids contained in the lymphatic vessels.
LYMPHATICS, The vessels conveying lymph.

MACERATION, An operation which consists in infusing, usually with heat, a solid substance,  so as to extract its virtues.
MAMMARY, Relating to the mammae, or female breasts.
MASTICATION, The act of chewing.
MATERIA MEDICA, The knowledge of medicines; the substances used as medicines.
MATURATION, The state of an abscess which has reached maturity.
MEDULLA, The base of the brain; marrow.
MENSES, The monthly flow.
MENSTRUAL, Pertaining to the menses.
MENSTRUUM, A solvent; a substance possessing the property of dissolving others.
METASTASIS, Changing from one place to another.
MICTURITION, Urination, discharge of urine.
MUCILAGINOUS, Having the character of mucilage; resembling gum.
MUCUS, The substance found at the surface of mucous membranes.

NARCOTIC, Substances which have the property of stupefying.
NASAL, Relating to the nose.
NAUSEA, Inclination to vomit; sickness of stomach.
NECROSIS, Death of a bone.
NEPHRITIC, Relating to the kidneys.
NERVINE, Relating to the nerves.
NEURINE, Relating to the nerves.
NODE, A hard concretion or incrustation gathering around the joints attacked with rheumatism  or gout.
NOSOLOGIST, One versed in nosology, or classification of diseases.

PABULUM, Food, aliment.
PAPILLA, An eminence resembling a nipple.
PARACENTESIS, The act of tapping to evacuate a fluid in a cavity, as in dropsy of the  abdomen.
PAROXYSM.  A periodical exacerbation or fit of a disease.
PARTURIENT, Bringing forth young.
PARTURITION, Delivery, labor, child-birth.
PATHOLOGICAL, Relating to pathology.
PATHOLOGY, A branch of medicine whose object is the knowledge of disease.
PECTIN, A principle which forms the basis of vegetable jelly.
PECTORAL, Relating to the breast; a medicine that relieves or removes affections of the chest.
PELLICLE, A thin skin or membrane, a film.
PERISTALTIC, A motion consisting of alternate contraction and dilatation.
PERITONEUM, The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity.
PHAGEDENIC, Appearing as if it was gnawed.
PHARMACEUTIC, Relating to phartmacy.
PHARMACOPOEIA, A work containing the formlae for the preparation, etc., of medicines.
PHARMACY, The art which teaches the knowledge, choice, preservation, preparation, and  combination of medicines.
PHLEGMONOUS, Relating to inflammation which is confined to the areolar texture.
PHLYZACIOUS, Relating to tumors formed by the accumulation of a serous fluid under the  scarf-skin.
PHYSIOLOGY, The science which teaches the functions of organs or tissues.
PLETHORA, A superabundance of blood.
PNEUMOGASTRIC, Belonging to the lungs and stomach.
PORTAL CIRCULATION, The circulation of blood in the system of vessels in the kidneys and  liver.
PTYALISM, Profusse salivation.
PUERPERAL, Relating to child-birth and its consequences.
PULMONARY, Relating or belonging to the lungs.
PURULENT, Having the character of pus.
PUS, The secretion from inflamed textures.
PUSTULE, An elevation of the skin, having an inflamed base.
PYOGENIC, Having a relation to the formation of pus.

REGIMEN, Diet; the rational and methodical use of food.
RENAL, Relating to the kidneys.
RESPIRATION, The function of breathing, by which is accomplished the mixture of venous  blood with lymph and chyle.
REVELLENT, Derivative; a remedy causing an abstraction from the morbid condition of some  organ or tissue.
REVULSION, The act of turning a disease from a part in which it seems to have taken its seat.

SAC, A bag-like cavity, formed by any serous membrane.
SACCULATED, Enclosed in a sac; having the character of a sac.
SALIVARY, Relating to the saliva; glands whose function it is to secrete saliva.
SANGUINEOUS, Plethoric; relating to the blood.
SCORBUTIC, Relating to, or having the character of scurvy.
SCYBALA, Hard faecal matter, discharged in round lumps.
SEBACEOUS, Small hollow organs seated in the substance of the skin, and which secrete a  matter having a peculiar odor.
SECRETION, An organic function, chiefly confined to the glands; also the matter secreted.
SEPTUM, Particion; a part separating two cavities.
SERUM, The most watery portion of the animal fluids, exhaled by serous membranes.
SINAPISM, A mustard plaster.
SINUS, Any cavity, the interior of which is more expanded than the entrance.
SORDES, The black substance collecting on the teeth in low fevers.
SPASMODIC, Having the character of a spasm.
SPLENETIC, Relating or belonging to the spleen.
SPUTA, Expectorated matter.
SQUAMOUS, Scaly; having the character of scales.
STERTOROUS, Of a snoring character.
STRANGURY, Extreme difficulty in evacuating the urine.
STRUMOUS, Scrofulous.
STYPTIC, Astringent; a medicine which stanches the flow of blood.
SUBLUXATION, A sprain; a partial dislocation.
SUDORIFIC, A medicine which provokes sweating.
SUPPURATION, Formation or secretion of pus.
SYNCOPE, Fainting; loss of sensation and motion.
SYNOVIAL, Relating to the membranes lining the joints.

TAXIS, A pressure exerted by the hand on a hernial tumor for the purpose of reducing it.
TISSUE, The various parts which, by union, form the organs.
THORACIC, Relating or belonging to the chest.
TOPICAL, Local; remedies locally applied.
TOXICAL, Poisonous.
TUBERCLE, A tumor in the substance of an organ, as of the lung.

URINE, The secretion of the kidney.
URINARY, Relating to the urine.
UTERUS, The womb.
UTERINE, Relating or belonging to the womb.

VACCINE, Relating to the matter used for vaccination.
VASCULAR, Relating to vessels; arterial, venous or lymphatic.
VENEREAL, Relating to the pleasure of love.
VERTEBRAE, Bones of the spinal column.
VESICLE, A small bladder or cyst.
VIROSE, Possessed of noxious properties.
VIRUS, Literally, a poison; an unknown principle, inappreciable by the senses, which is the  agent for the transmission of infectious diseases.
VISCERAL, Relating or belonging to the viscera, or entrails.
VULNERARY, Medicines considered capable of favoring the consolidating of wounds; only a  property of plants.
ZYMOTIC, Relating or appertaining to fermentation.

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