
The Cayce Herbal
 A Comprehensive Guide to the 
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Herbs for Health
by Otto Mausert, N.D. (1932)

Diseases, Their Symptoms and Suggested Remedies 

ABSCESS see Impure Blood and Sores, open.

ACIDITY see Stomach Disorders.

AGUE see Malaria

ANEMIA - A deficiency of blood in quantity, as well as, in quality.
    Treatment: Sunshine, fresh air, rest and a well balanced diet, including a quantity of fresh, green vegetables and the daily use of good tonics. For a good Herbal Tonic, refer to Formula No. 30, page 59.

APPENDICITIS - An inflamed, painful condition of the appendix and the surrounding portion of the bowels.  It may be caused by a faulty digestion, intestinal catarrh, fecal concretions and, in comparatively rare. cases, by foreign particles being lodged in the appendix.
    The pain is felt all over the abdomen, but more severe in the right side. Coughing or deep breathing increases the. pain. Nausea and vomiting may be present. The bowels are generally constipated, the tongue coated, the pulse fast. Fever and chills are often noticeable.
    Treatment: As chronic sluggishness of the bowels, with its resulting intestinal indigestion, is in most cases responsible for the trouble, a thorough cleaning of the whole tract should be the first aim. The means to accomplish this must, however, be mild and non-irritating, as-the affected parts are in an inflamed and sensitive condition. Complete rest, a fast of a few days and afterwards a mild liquid diet are essential. The application of compresses with water of ordinary temperature, will soon reduce inflammation and fever. Plain water, with the possible addition of a little fruit juice, is the best drink to relieve the thirst.
    Remedies: For a mild Laxative use formula No. 1, page 53.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Stomach is also at fault, Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, should be used in connection with Formula No. 1.

ARTHRITIS see Rheumatism.

ASTHMA - This disease manifests. itself in temporary attacks of difficult breathing, mostly performed with a sense of suffocation, a wheezing noise and cough. It is generally due to an extreme irritability of the mucous membrane of the air passages. This affection is frequently associated with diseases of the nasal or bronchial mucous membrane chronic heart disease, disturbances of the stomach and bowels, disturbances of the nervous system, a sensitiveness to certain odors, pollen, dust, smoke, etc.
    Treatment: The treatment should be general, constitutional, tonic and eliminative. Special attention should be paid to the functions of Stomach, Liver and Bowels. The diet should be non-stimulating. Sweets and starches should be used with extreme moderation. Ripe fruits and vegetables should constitute the greater portion of the meal. Overloading, especially with rich food should be avoided. Plenty of moderate outdoor exercise is beneficial. If constipated, bowels should be regulated by all means. Warm mustard compresses applied alternately to calves of the legs and the, chest are also very beneficial.
    Remedies: To relieve the paroxysms, use by inhalation either one of the following Formulas: Inhalation powder No. 6, page 54, or Asthma Cigarettes No. 9, page 54. Internally, use Formula No. 3, page 53.
    Assisting the Treatment: If constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or No. 72, or if liver is sluggish, then use Formula No. 14, page 55, instead of No. 69, or No. 72.
    If Stomach is out of order, use, Formula No. 291, page 112, or No. 294, page 113, and where a tonic is needed, use Formula No. 30 in connection with the treatment.

BACKACHE see Lumbago.

BAD BREATH see Stomach Disorders - Constipation.

BARBER'S ITCH see Ringworm.

BED WETTING - This disagreeable trouble is due to an involuntary relaxation and weakness of the muscle that closes the, bladder.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 12, page 55.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Nervous Weakness, use Formula No. 210, page 96. In Bodily Weakness, use Formula No. 30, page 59.

BELCHING see Stomach Disorders.

BILIOUSNESS. (Congestion of the Liver, Sluggish or Torpid Liver). - This complaint consists of a group of symptoms affecting Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, and Bowels. Catarrhal or inflamed conditions generally prevail and bring on the attacks, popularly known as Biliousness. This disorder is indicated by a feeling of fullness, heaviness, and pain over the region of the Stomach, which continues until nausea and often vomiting of a greenish or yellowish slimy matter occurs. The appetite is poor, the tongue coated, the taste bitter and pasty. The urine is dark, amber colored and scanty. The bowels are, as a rule, constipated. The complexion is sallow with a yellowish tint, especially around the eyes. A dull aching pain in the head, sometimes rather severe and commonly known as "sick headache", is often present.
    Treatment: As overeating, especially of too much greasy food, is often responsible for the attacks, a light, non-irritating diet should be resorted to. The Stomach, river and Bowels should be properly regulated. (See also Gall Bladder, inflammation of the)
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 14, page 55.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Stomach is not working properly, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, in connection with No. 14. If the Gall Bladder is affected, use Formula No. 147, page 82, and Formula No. 148, page 83, in which case do not use Formula No. 14. In case of Malaria, use Formula No. 186, page 91, without Formula No. 14.

BITING THE FINGERNAILS - This bad and unsightly habit should be corrected by all means. It not only looks bad, but often it is dangerous. Pieces of nails may be swallowed which may cause dangerous irritations.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 18, page 56.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in connection with Formula No. 18 If the condition is due to nervousness, use Formula No. 210, page 96 or Formula No. 213, page 96. If constipated use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, or Formula No. 75, page 69.

BLACKHEADS see Freckles and Impure Blood.

BLADDER, Inflammation or Catarrh of the, Cystitis - This trouble is characterized by a constant desire to urinate. The urine is hot, cloudy and thick, flowing only scantily, often only drop by drop, at times passing with pain, or sometimes stopping entirely. Slight fever with a dry, hot skin may be present. The bowels are, as a rule, constipated.
    Treatment: Hot compresses, or still better hot Sitz Baths (see page 42), should be given. Flax Seed Tea should be used freely instead of water. Ice cold drinks must be avoided.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 21, page 56.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in connection with Formula No. 21. If constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67 or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Female Complaints, use Formula No. 192, page 92, or No. 198, page 93. If gravel or stones are present in the bladder, use Formula No. 303, page 115, instead of Formula No. 21.

BLADDER, Gravel or Stones in the, see Stones or Gravel in the Bladder.

BLOATING see Stomach Disorders. BLOOD IMPURE see Impure Blood.

BLOOD PRESSURE, High - Hypertension - Overindulgence in food, in alcoholic drinks, in tobacco, or overwork is more often responsible for high blood pressure than any other cause. These habits often lead, gradually, to hardening of the arteries, a condition primarily responsible for the trouble. Other causes may be due to nervous weakness, continuous excitement, kidney disease, change of life, lead poisoning, etc. The ringing noises in the car can also often be traced back to high blood pressure, being due to the overfilling of the blood vessels of the brain with blood.
    Treatment: Rest and Quiet. The diet should be. light and of a non-stimulating nature. The bowels should be kept well regulated. Excitement should be avoided.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 24, page 57 or Formula No. 27, page 58.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with either Formula No. 24 or No. 27, unless otherwise stated. In Nervous Weakness use Formula No. 210, page 96, or No. 213, page 96, or No. 216, page 97. In "Change of Life", use Formula No. 48, page 63. In Indigestion, use Formula No. 291, page 112. In Kidney Irregularities, use Formula No. 177, page 89. In Biliousness, use Formula No. 14, page 55 instead of Formula No. 27.

BLOOD PRESSURE, Low - In this condition it is generally advisable to build up the system. A well balanced diet with a liberal quantity of fresh vegetables, and ripe fruits, when in season. The daily use of Tonics is also very beneficial.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 30, page 59.

BLOODY FLUX see Dysentery.

BODY ODOUR - Offensive Perspiration.
    Remedy: Deodorizing Lotion, Formula No. 32, page 60.

BOILS AND INFLAMED PIMPLES - They are generally due to an infection of the sweat-glands or hair roots or to the accummulation of impurities in the blood caused by some derangement of stomach, bowels or liver.
    Remedies: To help maturation of the boils apply externally Salve Formula No. 34, page 60, and Salve No. 324, page 119. As a depurative or blood cleanser, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or No. 171, page 88.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Liver is sluggish and a stronger laxative is needed, use Formula No. 14, page 55, instead of Nos. 168 and 171. If Stomach is out of order, use Formula No. 285, page 111 or No. 288, page 111, in conjunction with Nos. 168, 171, or 14.

BRIGHT'S DISEASE - see Kidneys, Inflammation of the

BRONCHITIS or Bronchial Catarrh - An inflammation of the lining of the bronchial mucous membrane. The air passages feel dry and coughing is generally painful; hoarseness and soreness are often noticed.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 36, page 61, or Formula No. 39, page 61.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with either No. 36, or No. 39, unless otherwise stated. In case of Catarrh, use Formula No. 204, page 94. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68 or Formula No. 75, page 69.
    In case of Cold, use Formula No. 54, page 64. And in order to produce sweating, use before retiring Formula No. 57, page 65 or No. 58, page 65. Since Formula No. 54 also possesses laxative properties other laxatives should not be used with it.

BRUISES and SPRAINS see Liniment Formula No. 264, page 107.

BUNIONS - An inflamed and painful swelling of the lubricating sac of the joint of the great toe, generally due to pressure from tight shoes. If not relieved, disfigurement and enlargement of the joint may take place.
    Remedies: External application of Formula No. 42, page 62, or Formula No. 45, page 62.
    Assisting the Treatment: If inflamed use Formula No. 255, page 105, until inflammation is relieved and then treat as indicated above.

BURNS see Wounds.

BUZZING IN THE EARS see Earache and Blood Pressure, High.

CANKER SORE see Tonsilitis and Stomach Disorders.

CALLUS see Corns.

CARBUNCLES see Boils. CATARRH see Nasal Catarrh.

CATARRH OF THE BLADDER see Bladder, Inflammation of the



CATARRH OF THE NOSE see Nasal Catarrh.

CATARRH OF THE STOMACH see Stomach Disorders. CHAFING see Antiseptic Salve, Formula No. 324, page 119.

CHANGE OF LIFE - A great help in the disturbances that occur during this critical period of life in women is obtained from the Herb Combination, Formula No. 48. It tends to relieve the accompanying symptoms, known as Hot Flushes, Dizziness, Headache, Pain in the Loins and Back, and general weakness.
    Remedy: Formula No. 48, page 63.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with Formula No. 48. If Nervous, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97. If Constipated and Bilious, use Formula No. 14, page 55, or Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In General Weakness, use Formula No. 30, page 59.


CHILBLAINS OR FROSTBITES - An inflammation of the skin produced by exposure to cold. The parts frequently affected are the Ears, Fingers, Toes and Nose. A slight swelling with redness, tickling, itching and smarting characterizes the trouble.
    Remedies: External application of Formula No. 51, page 63.  If skin is broken apply externally Formula No. 45, page 62.
    Assisting the Treatment: Application of Hot and Cold compresses used alternately before retiring.

CHILLS see Cold and Malaria.

CIRCULATION, Poor, see Feet cold etc., and Herb Tonic Formula No. 30, page 59.

CLAP see Gonorrhea.

COATED TONGUE see. Stomach Disorders and Biliousness.

COFFEE OR TEA SUBSTITUTE see Herb Formula No. 225, page 99 and Mate Herb.

COLD OR ACUTE CATARRH IN THE HEAD (Acute Nasal Catarrh) - This inflamed condition of the mucous membrane of the Nose and Throat often causes considerable trouble by obstructing the. Nasal Passages with Mucus. Headaches, Chills, Sneezing, Running from the Nose and Eyes; loss of smell and taste, impaired hearing may result. If neglected, this temporary indisposition may lead to more serious troubles It should, there. fore, be attended to promptly.
    Treatment: The first thing to do in Colds is to cause a proper elimination of morbid matter from the system. This is best accomplished by opening the. bowels and also the pores of the skin. Rest in bed is advisable in cases of extreme weakness or fever.
    Remedies: To open bowels and lower fever use Formula No. 54, page 64. To produce perspiration, use Formula No. 57, page 65, or Formula No. 58, page 65 before retiring.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Cough is present use also Formula No. 81, page 70 if the Cough is deep-seated then use Formula No. 39, page 61, instead of No. 81.

COLD FEET AND HANDS - Poor circulation, insufficient blood supply to affected parts; deficiency in good blood; disturbances in the digestive and nervous system, are generally responsible for this trouble. In order to overcome this condition, it is first necessary to find the cause and treat it. To aid the parts affected, it is well to aid in stimulating the circulation by applying to them hot and cold wet compresses alternately. After thoroughly drying the surfaces they should be well massaged with a penetrating cream.
    Remedy: For a penetrating cream use Formula No. 60, page 66.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with Formula No. 60. In case of Nervousness, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97. In case of Indigestion, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, or No. 294, page 113. In case of Blood Deficiency, use, Formula No. 30, page 59.

COLD SORES see Wounds and Stomach Disorders. COLIC (Bilious) see Biliousness.

COLIC IN CHILDREN - This common, troublesome disorder in Infants is generally caused by cold, disagreeing food, gases in stomach and bowels, constipation, worms, etc. The child is generally restless, draws up its legs, kicks and screams. The urine may often flow scantily or stop temporarily. It is of the utmost importance to get at the cause and correct the condition causing it. A small enema with soap water, or still better a small enema with a mild infusion of Chamomile Flowers, followed by a gentle circular massage of the abdomen, beginning from the right to the left, will generally give quick relief.
    Remedy: To aid the digestion and help to expel gases use Formula No. 63, page 66.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 63. If Constipated, use Formula No. 75, page 69. If Worms are present, use Formula No. 321, page 118.

COLON FLUSH see Enema.

COMPLEXION PALE AND SALLOW see Biliousness - Constipation.

CONSTIPATION - Health depends largely upon the regular and normal action of the bowels, because, inactive (costive) bowels cause congestion of the entire Digestive Tract. Any food then taken into the system does not digest properly and becomes subject to decay. The products of decomposition are of a poisonous nature and when absorbed into the, system tend to poison it and consequently lead to disease. Want of appetite, headache, dizziness, coated tongue, bad breath, impure blood, pale complexion, and inactivity of the Liver are, the results of this poisoning of the system. This, if not relieved, will soon lead to other more serious diseases.
    In view that most cases of Constipation are brought on by an incorrect and unnatural way of living, we must, first of all, correct our habits and bring them again in harmony with the Laws of Nature. We must chew our food slowly and well and not overload. Food not sufficiently masticated, cannot be properly attacked by the Digestive juices, and if not properly digested, turns sour and ferments. This produces excessive amounts of gas and acids and the food becomes subject to decay in the bowels. This condition in turn creates heat and dryness and causes the fecal matter to harden, thus hindering the normal evacuation of the bowels.
    Very often the fermentation of the. food begins in the Stomach and the formation of gas causes an enlargement of the organ. As the Liver and Gall-bladder lie directly over the side of the Stomach, this enlargement presses against them and interferes with the normal flow of their secretion. This secretion is known as Bile, which acts as a lubricant for the Bowels. As a result, the bowels become sluggish from the lack of the natural lubricant and normal evacuation of the bowels is hindered. It is, therefore, essential in the treatment of Constipation, to encourage and stimulate the normal flow of bile by acting on the Liver, the organ that produces it.
    Attend promptly to the call of Nature and assist the function of the bowels by a natural way of living. Their activity should be encouraged and not interfered with. Where a temporary condition of Constipation exists attend to that promptly; otherwise a Chronic condition may set in.
    Remedies: At the first sign of Constipation use Formula No. 65, page 67. This should be made into capsules. It is an excellent Formula, because it acts on the Liver and aids the flow of the bile. The following two Formulas are also very helpful in the treatment of Constipation. Formula No. 69, page 67, and Formula No. 72, page 68. For Children use Formula No. 7S, page 69.
    Assisting the Treatment: 1. Regular attendance to the call of Nature. 2. Changing the diet to a more eliminative one. Eating more green vegetables, salads, fruits and other foods which will give bulk to the intestines. 3. Occasional enemas; once or twice a month.

CORNS AND CALLUSES - A thickening of the skin caused by pressure, or friction.
    Remedy: The following is an excellent Formula, No. 78, page 69.

COUGH - An inflamed condition of the air passages, brought about by colds and irritation of the mucous lining. (See also Whooping Cough).
    Remedy: A good expectorant Tea is Formula No. 81, page 70, in conjunction with No. 81. In Coughs of long standing use Formula No. 36, page 61, or Formula No. 39, page 61, instead of No. 81. (See also Bronchitis).
    Assisting the Treatment: If complicated with a cold use Formula No. 54, page 64.

CRAB LICE see Lice.

CRAMPS IN BOWELS see Diarrhea.


CRAMPS IN STOMACH see Stomach Disorders.

CUTS see Wounds.

CYSTITIS see Bladder, Inflammation of the

DANDRUFF - A disorder due to a faulty function of the. Sebaccous Glands of the Scalp, characterized by the casting off of whitish-gray scales and the falling out of the hair. A deranged condition of the System in general is often a contributing cause to this trouble. It should, therefore, be considered in the treatment.
    Remedies: Use as a shampoo twice a week Formula No. 84, page 71, and apply daily to the scalp Formula No. 87, page 71.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Nervous Condition, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97. If Indigestion is present, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. If Constipated, use Formula No. 14, page 55, or Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68.

DIABETES - The origin of this disease, as is known so far, can be traced back to derangement of the functions of the Pancreas Gland. Contributing factors, however, are undoubtedly severe Nervous Disturbances, or improper functions of Stomach, Liver and Bowels. The patient feels tired and weak. Usually complains about pains in the. limbs, feeling depressed and down-hearted. An abnormal thirst is often experienced. Dizziness and headaches are common. The skin is dry and often itchy. The digestion is often upset, due to the unusually abnormal increased appetite.  The eyesight may be impaired and weak. The urine is generally very pale and plentiful. Sugar is present in the urine in more or less quantities.
    For the continuous thirst, Flax Seed tea, with a small quantity of Peppermint Herb, may be used freely. The diet should be carefully watched. Sugars and starches should be eliminated. Pure gluten bread should be eaten instead of ordinary bread. Soya Bean flour may be used instead of ordinary flour. The bowels should be kept well regulated. Rest and sunshine are. beneficial.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 90, page 72.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 90. If the Liver is sluggish, use Formula No. 14, page 55, or Formula No. 147, page 82. If Constipated, use Formula No. 65, page 67, or Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72. page 68, instead of No. 14, or No. 147. If Stomach is out of order, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In Nervous Disturbances, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97.

DIAPHORETIC TEA see Formula No. 57, page 65, and Formula No. 58, page 65.

DIARRHEA - Catarrh or Inflammation of the Bowels - Loosenessof the Bowels. - Usually caused by exposure to cold or extreme heat; by indigestion, irritating or spoiled food, ice cold drinks, unripe fruit, violent mental disturbances. Hot Sitz baths or the application of heat to Stomach or Bowels is very helpful. See also Dysentery.
    Remedies: The following Formulas will be found very beneficial. Formula No. 93, page 73, and in severer cases Formula No. 96, page 73, should be taken in conjunction with No. 93.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be taken in connection with the above. If Stomach is out of Order, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, or Formula No. 291, page 112, or In Nervousness, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97.

DIZZINESS see Constipation. Biliousness. Stomach Disorders. High Blood Pressure.

DROPSY - This, in itself, is not a disease. It is the result of a change in the blood by obstructions to the flow of it. It may be the result of poor or faulty function of the inner organs, especially the Heart, Lungs or Kidneys. It is important that the. cause should be treated. To help the relief of the dropsical condition, the activity of the Urinary Organs, the Skin and also the Bowels should be increased.
    For the Bowels, Hydragogues should be used. The kidneys should be helped in the increased elimination of urine. The pores of the skin should also be opened.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 98, page 74, or Formula No. 102, page 75 in connection with Formula No. 105, page 75. As a diaphoretic, use Formula No. 57, page 65 or No. 58.

DROWSINESS see Biliousness.

DYSENTERY or Bloody Flux - A catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large bowel or colon. The passages are small, difficult and frequent, with much griping. They consist mainly of mucous tinged with blood. The abdomen is hard, but tender along the Colon. The skin is hot, the thirst is excessive the appetite poor. Vomiting and fever are often present. Rest in bed and the application of heat to the abdomen are advisable. A warm flannel bandage should be worn around the abdomen at all times. Only warm drinks should be given. The diet should be light and non-irritating. Foods, which cook slimy, such as, barley, rice, sago, and other starchy mixtures are beneficial. Fruit and raw foods should be avoided.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 108, page 76 in connection with Formula No. 96, page 73.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the foregoing. In Dyspepsia use Formula No. 294, page 113. Where a General Tonic might be of benefit, Formula No. 30, should be taken.

DYSPEPSIA see Stomach Disorders.

EARACHE - The shooting, gnawing pains in the ear are generally caused by colds in the head, nose or throat; also often due to neuralgia, rheumatism, influenza, or due to inflammation in the ear itself. In the latter instance there may be also a discharge from the ear. High Blood Pressure. may also be one of the accompanying symptoms of ear troubles. Hot applications to the ear of compresses made from the infusion of Chamomile Flowers or Hops will be found very beneficial and at the same time will aid to relieve the pain. To act as a local antiseptic, Oil Formula No. 111 should be used.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 111, page 77.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 111. In case of Cold or Influenza, use Formula No. 54, page 64. In case of Neuralgia, use Formula No. 228, page 99. In case of Rheumatism use Formula No. 261, page 106, and Formula No. 264, page 107. In case of Nervousness, use Formula No. 210, page 96 or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97.

EAR NOISES see Blood Pressure, High. Earache. Nervousness.EAR WAX see Earache.

ECZEMA, Salt Rheum or Tetter - Eczema is the collective name for various skin eruptions and appears in different forms. At first, very often, nothing but an annoying itching can be noticed, but soon the skin becomes reddened and more or less inflamed. Dry or wet blotches appear, often of a scaly or crusty nature; or sometimes in the form of small blisters or pimples containing a watery secretion or pus. The cause for these eruptions can generally be traced back to poor circulation of the blood, constipation, dyspepsia, sluggishness of the liver or kidneys, nervous debility, or other forms of constitutional derangements, which gradually result in an accumulation of impurities in the blood. It is, therefore, self evident, that all efforts to correct the trouble must be directed towards removing the underlying cause. A preparation acting as a depurative, or blood purifier, should be used in all cases. The external remedies should be used to relieve the itching and to induce healing. Water should be kept away from eczema as much as possible.
    Remedies: Internally use either Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88, in all cases. For Dry Eczema use externally Formula No. 114, page 77, during the day, and apply Formula No. 117, page 78, at night before retiring. In very obstinate cases, use Formula No. 120, page 78, instead of Nos. 114 and 117. In Wet Eczema use externally dusting powder Formula No. 123, page 79, during the day and apply No. 117 before retiring Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, page 111. In Nervous Debility, use Formula No. 291, page 112, 6r Formula No. 294, page 113.

ENEMA - Internal Bath - Colon Flush - In using the Internal Bath, or Enema, chemicals or other irritating matter should not be used to remove hardened, incrustated, or decayed matter from the Colon. Substances used should, by all means, be, mild, yet, possess properties which would act as a cleansing agent upon the lining of the bowels without being irritating. Herbs, properly used and selected, should not have an irritating effect, nor weaken the delicate tissues. They should help to give them tone and cleanse them without doing any harm.
    Remedy: Formula No. 126, page 79, is a well tried and effective Formula.

EPILEPSY - In this disease the nerve quieting effect of certain Herbs has often given relief, where other strong me.dicines of a chemical nature, have failed. Intestinal worms sometimes bring on such attacks, it is therefore, advisable to watch the stools in such cases. The diet should be light, and the food should be chewed slowly and well. Overloading the Stomach and fast eating usually bring on indigestion which will aggravate this condition. In fact, indigestion is often responsible for this trouble.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 129, page 79.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 129. In Worms, use Formula No. 321, page 118. In Indigestion, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. InNervousness, use Formula No. 216, page 97.

EYES, Inflamed, Weak and Tired - This condition is generally due to colds, strain, overwork, the entrance of foreign matter, and deranged conditions of the system. The cause, naturally, must first be removed.
    Remedy: Formula No. 132, page 80 will be found effective and reliable, and can be used with perfect safety in all such cases of eye trouble.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 132. If the System is run down, use Formula No. 30, page 59. In Nervousness, use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97.

EYELIDS, Sore, Inflamed and Granulated - The use of the following Formula will be found very beneficial, safe and reliable. Formula No. 135, page 80.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 135. In Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. If the System is run down, use Formula No. 30, page 59.

FACE ACHE see Neuralgia.

FAINTING SPELLS see Smelling Salts Formula, page 98.


FEET, Sweating, Burning, Sore - Excessive sweating of the feet is an abnormal condition and should be reduced to a more normal degree, without, however, suppressing it entirely. Sweating is Nature's way to rid the System of acids and other impurities, the retention of which, would possibly lead to more serious troubles in some other part of the body.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 138, page 81, as a dusting powder, and Formula No. 141, page 82, as a wash.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. If the Bowels are not properly regulated, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.

FELON see Whitlow.

FEMALE DISORDERS see Menstruation.

FEVER see Cold and Malaria.

FEVER BLISTERS see Healing Balsam.

FLATULENCY see Stomach Disorders.

FLUSHES TOWARD THE HEAD see Change of Life and Dyspepsia.

FRECKLES - This pigmentation of the skin is caused by exposure to sunlight.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 144, page 82.

FREQUENT URINATION see Bladder, Inflammation of the FROSTBITES see Chilblains.

GALL-BLADDER, Inflammation of the - This trouble generally originates with exposure to cold or wet, with continuous excesses in eating and drinking, or with the infection of the gall-bladder and its duct by germs. A catarrhal inflammation and swelling gradually sets in, and the duct leading from the gall-bladder becomes, more or less, or entirely obstructed by catarrhal slime, congealed bile or gall-stones. The bile, being thus retained, is forced back into the liver, and from there enters the blood, coloring the, blood and the skin, more or less, yellow, and is finally expelled through the urine. Such urine is of a dark amber or reddish color, heavy and loaded with urates and bile matter.
    The pain caused by this condition is especially noticed on the right side, below the, lowest rib, often extending backwards toward the shoulder blade, or across the stomach, creating often the impression that the trouble is in the stomach. This impression, however, is often correct, as the stomach may also be affected by the catarrh.
    The bowels are, as a rule, constipated and the passages at times whitish-gray or clay colored. The skin is yellow and dry and often itchy. The tongue is coated, the appetite poor, and nausea and vomiting of a yellowish-green slime may occur. The stomach is generally also very much upset. In fact, the inflammation in the gall-bladder and its ducts may originate with the catarrhal condition existing in the stomach.
    Treatment: The diet should be light and should be mainly composed of plainly cooked vegetables, ripe fruits, salads, without fancy dressing (excepting olive oil with a dash of lemon juice). Starches should be eaten with moderation. This also applies to meats, which should be lean, and preferably the so-called "white meats", such as, chicken, fish, etc. They should be either boiled or broiled, never fried. Sweets, greasy foods, fats, including butter, should be avoided. Rest and sunshine are beneficial. In order to improve the function of the affected organs, proper regulation of Stomach, Liver and Bowels must be accomplished.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 147, page 82, and Formula No. 148, page 83.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113.

GALL-STONES see Gall-Bladder, Inflammation of the

GAS IN THE STOMACH see Stomach Disorders Biliousness.

GASTRITIS see Stomach Disorders.

GLEET see Gonorrhea.

GONORRHEA or CLAP - An inflamed condition of the mucous membrane of the urinary canal due to an infection. Within 3 to 6 days after the infection has set in, a burning pain is noticed on urinating. A discharge of a yellowish-green pus takes place, which will gradually decrease when properly treated. The treatment should always be mild and not of a nature that will irritate the delicate lining of the urinary organ. The diet should be light and consist mostly of vegetables. Meats, eggs, starches, sweets and other rich food should be used moderately. Alcoholic drinks must be avoided. Proper rest is essential. A suspensory bandage should be worn by all those who do heavy work or lifting.
    In this disease, as in gleet and in the chronic stages of Gonorrhea, the soothing and healing effect of certain Herbs and Balsams can be made use of with good results. They relieve the inflamed condition, act as a mild astringent, diuretic and antiseptic. They help Nature in overcoming these conditions without being irritating.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 153, page 84 in conjunction with Formula No. 156, page 85.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68.

GOUT or PODAGRA - Defective elimination and sluggishness of the whole system, due to want of exercise, high living, errors in diet, are generally responsible for this rheumatic condition.
    To overcome it, it is necessary to improve the, activity of the vital organs and cause better elimination of waste product from the system. The diet should consist mostly of vegetable matter. Meats, starches and sweets should be used moderately. Alcoholic drinks should be avoided. Perspiration is beneficial and should be encouraged from time to time, by using Formula No. 57, or No. 58, and by taking an occasional Turkish Bath. Cold compresses, especially, if made with a Herb Vinegar (see page 86, and applied to the affected part will tend to relieve the pain and fever.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 159, page 85.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112. To Improve the Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.

GRANULATED EYE LIDS see Eyes, Sore, etc.

GRAVEL IN THE URINE see Stone and Gravel in Kidney and Bladder.

GRIPPE see Cold.

GUMS, Sore, Bleeding or Spongy - This trouble generally originates with a disordered Stomach or Costive Bowels. The underlying cause should, therefore, be corrected first. The mouth should be thoroughly rinsed 3 to 4 times a day with a decoction made from Formula No. 309, page 116.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with Formula No. 309. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112. In Constipation, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.


HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES see Blood Pressure, High.

HARDNESS OF HEARING see Ear Ache and Nasal Catarrh.

HAY FEVER-HAY ASTHMA-SUMMER CATARRH - As this condition is due to a sensitive catarrhal condition of the nasal and bronchial mucous membrane, it should be treated the same as Nasal Catarrh, chronic.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 204, page 94.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with No. 204. In Nervous Irritability, use Formula No. 216, page 97. In Run Down Condition, use Formula No. 30, page 59. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or No. 72.

HEADACHE - This is not a disease in itself, but the result of disturbances in some other part of the body. Keeping this in mind, it is obvious that headaches cannot be cured by simply suppressing the symptom - pain - and allowing the underlying cause to keep on existing. That is precisely what happens when strong chemicals are taken to relieve a headache. Headaches are often caused by disorders of the Stomach, Biliousness, Constipation, Menstrual Irregularities, Overwork, Deficiency of the Blood, Overfilling of the Venous Blood-vessels of the Head, Eye Strain and disturbances of the Lungs and Heart.
    There are Natural Remedies in this book for the various disturbances that may be responsible for a Headache. Make use of them. Get at the root of the trouble by removing the cause. Do not be satisfied with a temporary relief. Headache Powders, etc., while only giving temporary relief, will, invariably, in the long run, harm the system.
    Remedies: In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, page 111. In Constipation, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Menstrual Irregularities, use Formula No. 192, page 92, or Formula No. 195, page 93, or Formula No. 198, page 93. In Nasal Catarrh, use Formula No. 54, page 64, and Formula No. 204, page 94. In Blood Pressure, use Formula No. 24, page 57, or Formula 27, page 58. In Nervousness, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In Biliousness (quite often the cause) use Formula No. 14, page 55, or Formula No. 65, page 67.

HEAD LICE see Lice.

HEALING BALSAM see Formula No. 282, page 110.

HEARING, HARD OF see Colds and Earache.

HEARTBURN see Stomach Disorders.


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE see Blood Pressure, High.

HIVES or Nettle Rash - This trouble is generally the result of Stomach disorders brought on by disagreeing foods, unripe fruits, fat pork, crab meat, fish, oysters, pickles, etc.
    Whitish or reddish, elevated spots (wheals) appear on the skin, accompanied by a tingling, itching sensation. Headaches or slight fever may be present. In order to remove the irritating food and poisonous matter that is responsible for the condition, the bowels should be kept open and the blood cleaned by using Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. The diet should be light and non-irritating. Such foods as are responsible for the trouble should be eliminated from one's diet. Hot baths with the water softened by the addition of a handful of Borax, and washing or sponging with Extract of Witch Hazel or alcohol are very beneficial.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, page 111, in conjunction with the above.

HOARSENESS - Loss of Voice - This disturbance is often due to a weakness and swelling of the vocal cord, from overstraining or from cold and coughs.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 165, page 86.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Colds, use Formula No. 54, page 64, and Formula No. 309, page 116, in conjunction with No. 165. In Bronchitis, use Formula No. 36, page 61, or Formula No. 39, page 61.

JAUNDICE see Biliousness. Gall-bladder, Inflammation of the

IMPOTENCY see Sexual Weakness.

IMPURE BLOOD - Poor action of Liver and Bowels, a faulty digestion, or disturbances in the lymphatic glands are generally responsible for the accumulation of impurities in the blood. Eruptions of the skin in the form of abscesses, pimples (acne), boils, blockheads, and a sallow complexion are the result.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. If Stomach does not function properly, use Formula No. 285, page 111. In Nervous Disorders, use Formula No. 291, page 112.

INDIGESTION see Stomach Disorders.

INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER see Bladder, Inflammation of the


INFLAMMATION OF THE GALL-BLADDER see Gall-bladder, Inflammation of the

INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS see Kidneys, Inflammation of the





INSOMNIA see Sleeplessness.

IRREGULAR MENSES see Menstruation.

ITCH or SCABIES - A contagious disease due to the invasion of the skin by microscopically small animal parasites. The rash caused by the insects consists of small blisters filled with a watery liquid, the itching is intense and more noticeable at night. Scratching increases the soreness and itching.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 174, page 89.

ITCHING OF THE SKIN see Eczema. Lice. Itch. Biliousness.

KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE - Acute Bright's Disease - Nephritis - This trouble generally begins with a chilly sensation followed by fever, headache, and pain in the small of the back. The skin is pale and dry, and heart action slow and forcible. The urine is scanty, deep amber colored, strong in odour, leaving a heavy sediment upon standing. It is sometimes mixed with blood. Albumen is generally found in the urine. Dropsical swelling in face, eye lids, ankles and other parts of the body may appear later, if the trouble is neglected. The disease may become chronic and more dangerous.
    The diet should consists mostly of vegetable matter, with meats, eggs, starches and sweets used very sparingly.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 177, page 89.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. If Liver is Torpid, use Formula No. 14, page 55. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, instead of No. 14.

LA GRIPPE see Cold.

LAMENESS see Rheumatism.

LEUCORRHEA or WHITES - A catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the vagina, with a discharge of a whitish or yellowish acrid fluid. As this discharge is very weakening to the system, it should not be allowed to exist very long. Strong irritating medicines should be avoided as they act as irritants and tend to destroy the delicate tissues. Warm Sitz batlis are very beneficial.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 180, page 90.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunctionwith the above. If due to General Weakness, use Formula No. 30, page 59. If due to Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 89, or Formula No. 171, page 88. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68.

LICE OF BODY AND HEAD - Animal parasites invading body and head, causing irritation and gradually skin eruptions.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 183, page 91.

LINIMENT see Formula No. 264, page 107.

LIVER, CONGESTION OF THE see Biliousness and Constipation.

LIVER TORPID and SLUGGISH see Biliousness and Constipation.

LOSS OF VOICE see Hoarseness.

LUMBAGO see Rheumatism.

MALARIA - Intermittent Fever - Ague - An Infectious disease caused by Malaria germs, which are introduced into the blood by the bite, of certain mosquitoes.
    Chills, followed by fever and profuse perspiration, repeated periodically, characterize the disease. Headache is mostly present, also pains in the back, joints and limbs. The tongue is coated, the appetite diminished and there is a bad taste in the mouth.
    Face and skin are earthy and yellow, a tired feeling with bodily weakness prevails during the disease. Quite often there are periodic recurrences of these symptoms.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 186, page 91.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Blood Deficiency, use Formula No. 30, page 59, in stomach disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112.

MEASLES - Generally begin with a light cold, mild cough and slight fever. The tongue is coated and the throat and nasal passages show catarrhal affections. After the fourth day numerous, irregular, elevated, dark red spots appear on the face, gradually extending to the neck and down the trunk to the lower extremities, attended by an itching or burning sensation. This condition exists from 3 to 5 days, then the eruptions begin to fade and peal off in bran-like scales.
    Although this disease is comparatively harmless, it may cause serious complications if neglected, and, therefore, should always receive proper attention. By all means, the patient should be kept in bed, and on a light diet.

Remedy: Use Formula No. 189, page 92.

Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. If Constipated, use Formula No. 75, page 69. If Pores are not open, use Formula No. 58, page 65. To relieve itching, apply balsam Formula No. 282, page 110.

MENSTRUATION, Irregular, Scanty, or Suppressed - This condition is generally brought on by exposure to cold or wet, poor conditions of the blood, nervousness, or violent mental emotions. It is essential that the underlying cause be removed and the general tone of the system increased.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 192, page 92.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. If Due to Nervous Disturbances, use Formula No. 216, page 97. If Blood is Impoverished, use Formula No. 30, page 59. If a Blood Purifier is needed, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.

MENSTRUATION, Painful and Spasmodic - This is often due to anemic conditions, inflammation or obstructions in the Uterus.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 195, page 93.

MENSTRUATION, Profuse - Excessive menstrual flow is generally preceded by pain and weakness in the back and loins. Some are predisposed to uterine hemorrhages on account of a flabby or relaxed state of the. texture of the uterus. Other contributing factors are over exercise, heavy lifting, dancing, injuries and mental excitement. If existing too long, it may cause an exhaustion of the bodily powers, general weakness, a sallow, unhealthy complexion, headaches, and finally nervous debility. If the trouble can be traced to one of the above mentioned factors, the underlying cause should be removed.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 198, page 93.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conduction with the above. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Nervous Weakness, use Formula No. 216, page 97.

MOLES - Brown or Blackish elevations of the skin of different size. To remove them Formula No. 78, page 69, may be used.

MOTHS - Formula No. 201, page 94, will keep them out of the closets and dressers.


MUSTARD POULTICE see page 105.

NASAL CATARRH - Catarrh in the Head - Repeated attacks of acute catarrh (see Cold page 18), may gradually result in the chronic form of the disease, commonly known as Catarrh in the Head, or simply Catarrh. A continuous discharge of mucous takes place and the air passages are more or less obstructed all the time.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 204, page 94, or Formula No. 207, page 95.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be taken in conjunction with the above. If Constipated or a Blood Purifier is needed, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.

NAUSEA see Stomach Disorders.

NECK, STIFF see Formula for Liniment, page 107.

NEPHRITIS see Kidneys, Inflammation of the

NERVE PAIN see Neuralgia Sciatica. Neuritis.

NERVOUSNESS - A condition of exhaustion due to overtaxing the powers of body and mind. Overwork, worry, excitement, loss of sleep, excesses in eating and drinking, undue strain on the vital forces and nerve centers are generally responsible for the irritability and weakness of the Nervous System.
    In order to improve this condition, it is self-evident that the underlying cause must be removed and the building up of the nerve forces instituted, by avoiding excesses of any kind.
    Rest, fresh air, sunshine, pleasant thoughts and surroundings, wholesome simple foods are not only beneficial, but essential. Coffee and Tea should by all means be avoided, as they irritate the nervous system. They are often responsible for the, restlessness and sleeplessness at night and irritability in the daytime.
    The following Herbal Formulas will be found very beneficial.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 213, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97, or Formula No. 219, page 98, or Formula No. 222, page 98, or Formula No. 225, page 99.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Nervous Dyspepsia, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In Nervous Headache, use Formula No. 14, page 55. As a General Tonic, use, Formula No. 30, page 59. As a substitute for Coffee or Tea, use Formula No. 225, page 99, or Mate Leaves.

NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA see Stomach Disorders.


NERVOUS HEADACHE see Stomach Disorders. Dyspepsia.

NERVOUS INDIGESTION see Stomach Disorders. Dyspepsia.

NERVOUS WEAKNESS see. Nervousness.

NETTLE RASH see Hives.

NEURALGIA - A nervous disorder characterized by a darting, boring or stabbing pain extending along the course of a nerve or its branches. The pain is more generally confined to the head (Face-ache) but may affect also other parts of the body. See Sciatica and Neuritis. Exposure to cold and draught, derangement of the digestive organs or the blood, nerve pressure, decayed teeth, are generally responsible for the trouble.
    In view that a majority of cases of Neuralgia are due to incomplete elimination of waste products from the system and the resulting impoverishment of the blood, special attention should be paid to the proper functions of Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
    Remedy: Use externally Formula No. 228, page 99.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In Constipation or Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. In Nervous Disturbances, use. Formula No. 210, page 96, or Formula No. 216, page 97.

NEURITIS - A painful inflammation of one or several nerves, brought on by exposure to cold or wet, nerve pressure, injuries, stretching of nerves, and the accumulation of morbid matter in the system. It is also often observed, as an after effect, in Rheumatism, Gout, Syphillis, and Diabetes. The underlying cause must be treated in order to obtain results in this disease.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 231, page 100.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Rheumatism, use Formula No. 264, page 107. If Constipated or in Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. In Biliousness, use Formula No. 14, page 55, instead of No. 168 or 171.

NIGHT SWEATS - The abnormal secretion of the sweat glands in certain diseases can only be explained as the self-aid of Nature to eliminate morbid matter from the system. Accordingly, Night Sweats should not be suppressed entirely. If continuous sweating should have, however, a weakening effect up on the system, Herb Formula No. 234, may be used without any harmful effect.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 234, page 101.
    Assisting the Treatment: In case of Bodily Weakness, use, Formula No. 30, page 59. In case of Nervous Weakness, use Formula No. 216, page 97.

NIPPLES, Sore, see Healing Balsam, Formula No. 282, page 110.

NUMBNESS see Cold Feet, etc.

OBESITY - Lack of exercise, overeating on fat producing foods (starches, sugar, fats) are generally responsible for this trouble. It is, therefore, advisable to live more on a vegetable diet and to eat plenty of ripe fruits. Moderate daily exercise should be resorted to and a hot sweat bath or still better a steam bath should be taken once or twice a week. The frequency of these baths should be regulated in accordance, with one's constitution. Proper elimination through the bowels should be maintained. Dulse or Kelp taken in small quantities daily, will supply the element "iodine" in a natural form, which acts as a normalizer.
    You will find the following Formula well balanced as to its eliminative and normalizing properties and is therefore an excellent adjuvant in the. treatment of Obesity.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 237, page 101.

OFFENSIVE BREATH see Stomach Disorders. Where the condition is due to oral neglect, use Formula No. 309, page 116, as a prophylactic.


PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN see Symptoms, page 8.

PAIN IN THE BACK see Symptoms, page 000.

PAIN IN THE BLADDER see Symptoms, page 8.

PAIN IN THE HEAD see Symptoms, page 7.

PAIN IN THE HIPS see Symptoms, page 7.

PAIN IN THE BACK see Symptoms, page 7.

PAIN IN THE NECK see Neuritis, Neuralgia, Nervousness.

PAIN IN THE RECTUM see, Symptoms, page 8.

PAIN IN THE STOMACH see Symptoms, page 7.

PAIN IN THE THROAT see Symptoms, page 8.

PAINFUL MENSTRUATION see Menstruation, Painful.

PAINFUL URINATION see Bladder, Inflammation of the.

PALPITATION OF THE HEART see Symptoms, page 44.


PILES or HEMORRHOIDS - Piles are small blood tumors in the rectum. They owe their existence to a stagnation of the blood in the abdominal venous system and to pressure from straining in passing hard and dry stools. The veins become gradually enlarged and piles are the result. They are filled with blood and at times are very painful and itching (itching piles). Pressure or friction may induce them to burst and bleed (bleeding piles). When they protrude, they are called external piles.
    Pressure in the rectum is often responsible for all these
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 240, page 102, to keep the bowels must be kept well regulated. It is advisable, however, not to use strong medicine, as their irritating action will cause them to become more inflamed, sore and painful. Formula No. 243, page 103, should be used as a rectal wash, and Formula No. 246, page 103, which is a healing suppository, should be inserted in the rectum every night before retiring, and allowed to stay there overnight.
    Assisting the treatment: Hot Sitz Baths, if piles are not bleeding, or the patient is not very strong. Cold Sitz Baths, when an inflamed condition prevails and the patient is strong.

PIMPLES see Impure Blood.

PIN WORMS see Worms.

PLEURISY - An inflammation of the membrane covering the lungs and lining of the internal surface of the chest. It begins generally with shivering and chills, or slight fever, followed by a sharp and cutting pain in the chest, especially, when taking a deep breath. Unforeseen motion, coughing, sneezing, bring on and increase the pain and make breathing more difficult. This condition may lead to serious consequences if neglected. The patient should be placed to bed, in a well ventilated, warm room. The diet should be light. The bowels should be well regulated. Application of hot compresses or poultices are beneficial. Perspiration should be induced. Care should be taken that the night clothes are dry and the patient kept warm.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 249, page 104.
    Assisting the Treatment: Application of hot towels or Poultices, Formula No. 258, page 105, to the chest, or rubbing in of Liniment, Formula No. 264, page 107. The chest should be thoroughly dried before applying the liniment.
    To produce Perspiration, use Formula No. 57, page 65, or Formula No. 58, page 65. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68. In Bronchitis, use Formula No. 36, page 61, or Formula No. 39.

PODAGRA see Gout.

POISON OAK AND POISON IVY - An inflammation of the skin due to the poisonous effect of the Poison Oak or Poison Ivy plant. Swelling, burning and itching of the affected parts and sometimes the appearance of innumerable, small blisters characterizes the infection.
    Some people are more susceptible to this poisoning than others, and this is generally due to their comparative tack of resistance. Due to the sluggish condition of their system, they are not able to counteract and eliminate the poisonous substances they come in contact with.
    The treatment should be both external and internal. The internal remedies should be such as to help for a better function of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. The external application should be of a soothing nature.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 252, page 105.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated or if Blood is out of Order, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. If Stomach is out of Order, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112.

POULTICE see page 105.

PROFUSE MENSTRUATION see Menstruation, Profuse.

QUINSY see Tonsilitis.

RASH see Hives.

RHEUMATISM - Incomplete elimination of waste products created by decomposed food and poisonous matter, decayed teeth or tonsils, or exposure to cold or dampness, or hereditary predisposition, is generally responsible for Rheumatic conditions.
    This disease manifests itself in many ways, the underlying cause, however, seems to be the same, namely the accumulation of excessive amounts of decomposition products, especially, in the form of Uric Acid in the blood. This substance' when not eliminated, is carried by the blood through the entire system and deposited in the tissues of the organs, where the circulation is the poorest, causing inflammation and pain or forming deposits. Whichever part is affected gives rise to the name of the particular form of Rheumatism. Thus, if the inner lining of the arteries, veins or joints are affected, it is called Articular Rheumatism or Arteries; if the muscles are affected, Muscular Rheumatism; if the nerves are affected, it is named either Sciatica, Neuritis or Neuralgia; if the Lumbar region is affected, it is called Lumbago. If the small joints of the hands and feet are affected it is termed Gout.
    Since the underlying cause in rheumatic conditions is the same, it then follows that the treatment must be similar, namely, a thorough cleaning of the whole system and the promotion of better elimination of waste matt6r. Sciatica, Neuralgia and Neuritis are rheumatic conditions affecting certain nerves. These are not considered here, but will be dealt with under their respective headings.
    A light and, if possible, a purely vegetable diet should be resorted to for some time. If there is no desire for food, a fast of 2 to 3 days is advisable, during which ti me, plain water with the possible addition of fruit juices should be used freely.
    Remedies: To aid the processes of elimination, it is advisable to use daily, Formula No. 261, page 106, and to aid the circulation in the parts affected, use before retiring liniment Formula No. 264, page 107, to further aid the elimination processes through the pores of the skin (sweating), use Formula No. 57, page 65, or Formula No. 58, page 65, once or twice a week, depending upon one's constitution.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Tonsils are Affected, gargle throat, several times a day, with Formula No. 309, page 116. If Stomach is out of Order, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112. In Lumbago, Hot Sitz baths should be taken before retiring.

RINGING IN THE EARS see Earache. Blood Pressure.

RINGWORM OF THE FACE, or Barber's Itch. Ringworm of the Scalp and Ringworm of the Body - There are various eruptions on face, scalp and body due to vegetable parasitical life, which are known under the name of Ringworm. They generally appear in round, reddened, scaly or vesicular, more or less, bold patches, affecting the skin tissues, as well as, the hair follicles. An itching or burning sensation is generally noticed. In cases of longerstanding, when pustules and pus have formed, these pus bags should be opened with a sterilized needle, washed and cleaned with hot water and Tincture of Green Soap. Otherwise, they should be treated like the milder cases. As these infections are of a very stubborn nature, the treatment should be continued regularly for a while. They are, of a contagious nature, therefore, proper care should be exercised in handling the affected parts.
    Remedies: Apply daily, morning and night, Ointment Formula No. 267, page 108.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88.


SALT RHEUM see Eczema.

SCABIES see Itch.

SCALDS see Wounds.

SCALP DISEASE see Eczema. Dandruff.

SCIATIC RHEUMATISM, or Sciatica-A rheumatic condition affecting the Sciatic Nerve, which extends along the back part of the thigh, down to the calf of the leg and to the sole of the foot. Sciatica is characterized by a gnawing, sometimes very severe pain, following the course of the nerve or its branches, but may also affect only a part of it. This trouble is closely related to Neuritis, in fact is generally the result of it. Sciatica may, therefore, be treated like Neuritis.

SEXUAL WEAKNESS - Impotency - In this trouble, it is absolutely necessary to build up the general health and invigorate the nervous system, that supplies strength and vitality to the weakened organs. Excesses that led to the trouble must be avoided. The diet should be composed of wholesome, plain, non-irritating food, and a quiet, restful life is necessary to allow the system to recuperate and re-vitalize itself.
    Hot and cold compresses applied alternately over the lumbar region before retiring are very beneficial, as they tend to stimulate the nerves of the second and third lumbar vertebra, which control the weakened organs.
    There are some herbs that have a tonic action upon the glands, which if used for a while, in conjunction with the proper rest of body and mind, should give good results. In the Formula No. 273, page 109, the most effective herbs have been combined in the right proportions. These herbs are extensively and apparently successfully used in the countries of their origin.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 273, page 109.
    Assisting the Treatment: To be used in conjunction with the above. In Bodily Weakness, use Formula No. 30, page 59. In Nervous Exhaustion, use Formula No. 216, page 97. Cold SitzBaths should be taken several times a week. Always before retiring. See page 42.

SHINGLES - A skin eruption generally spreading across the breast or waist, like a belt, on one side of the body following the course of a nerve. The skin is reddened, and along the affected nerve a vesicular rash appears that dries, if properly treated, after a week or two, as a yellowish-brown crust upon the skin and then drops off.
    Chills, fever, and pain along the affected nerves generally precede the foregoing symptoms. It is essential to keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels well regulated. The inflammation and pain may be relieved by the use of a Dusting Powder (see Formula No, 276, page 109, which will tend to hasten the healing process and assist to dry up the crusts.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 276, page 109, as a dusting powder; Formula No. 279, page 110, should be used as compresses. Formula No. 282, page 110, should be used as an ointment when necessary.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113. In Constipation, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, and in case of Sluggish Liver, use Formula No. 14, page 55, instead.

SHORTNESS OF BREATH see Symptoms, page 10. SICK HEADACHE see Biliousness.

SINKING SPELLS see Formula No. 222, page 98.

SITZ BATH, Hot - Where a regular Sitz Bath tub is not available, an ordinary, old fashioned galvanized washtub will do. Fill the tube one third full with warm water, let the patient sit in it, submerging only the lower portion of the body, leaving the feet and upper part of the body out of the water. Add warmer water from time to time, gradually making it as hot as it can be comfortably borne. A blanket may be used to cover the upper part of the body, and the bath may be extended from 15 to 20 minutes. This bath is especially indicated in suppressed and painful urination and suppressed and painful menstruation, gravel in the bladder, rheumatism, lumbago and other inflammatory affections. Also in diseases of the pelvic organs. The addition of certain herbs, such as Hayflowers, Watermint, Chamomile, Oat Straw, Pine Needles, etc., make this bath still more effective.

SITZ BATH, Cold - The cold Sitz Bath is taken in the same way as the Hot Sitz Bath, with the exception that cold water is used. It should only last from 1 to 3 minutes. This bath.is used for its tonic effect in cases of relaxed tissues of the pelvis, in abdominal, sexual and intestinal complaints, in piles and in constipation.

SKIN, Color of see Symptoms, page 11.

SKIN ERUPTIONS see Eczema, Ringworm.

SKIN, Rough, Chapped or Cracked see Formula No. 282, page 110.

SLEEPLESSNESS see Nervousness and Formula No. 270.

SORES, Open see Wounds. Also Formula No. 282, page 110, or Formula No. 34, page 60, or Formula No. 324, page 119.

SORE THROAT see Tonsilitis.

SOUR STOMACH see Stomach Disorders.

SPRAINS - see Formula No. 264, page 107.


STOMACH DISORDERS - There are different diseases coming under this heading, but the direct cause for almost all of them is the same. Fast eating, not chewing the food properly, overloading, and not eating the right kind of food, are generally responsible for the troubles. The bad habits must be abandoned in order to effect a cure, as there is no medicine that can chew the food properly, or stop anybody from overloading, or prevent one from eating things that are hard to digest.
    Food that is not properly masticated is retained longer in the stomach than it should. As a result, it turns sour and ferments and creates an excessive amount of acid and gas. This in turn causes a great deal of irritation and inflammation on the mucous lining of the whole digestive tract. A catarrhal condition gradually sets in and the lining becomes coated with a thick slimy mucus that interferes with the assimilation of the food. Decomposition and decay are the result, and poisonous matter therefrom is absorbed, which leads to severe disturbances of the stomach and bowels and gradually in the whole system. The result of this is far reaching, as it finally leads to many other diseases to which the human race is heir. It is therefore, only too true, "that-most people dig their own graves with their teeth".
    Let me therefore repeat, what we might call the Golden Rule of Health; Eat slowly; Chew your food well and DON'T OVERLOAD. Eat only plain food, plenty of fresh vegetable matter, salads, ripe fruits. The richer foods, however, such as meats, eggs, starches, sweets, etc., should be taken more moderately and only in proportion to the work one does. In that way the food can be balanced properly and the digestion can go on more completely. Failure to live up to these simple, natural rules, will gradually lead to the operating table, but the operation will not remove the underlying cause and consequently will not bring the desired relief.

CATARRH OF THE STOMACH - Gastritis - Chronic Dyspepsia - An inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Stomach generally brought on by continuous abuse of food and drink. Incomplete mastication, overloading the stomach with food or drink that is too hot or too cold; food that is too fat, or hard to digest; the excessive use of liquor, coffee, tea and tobacco are mostly responsible for the trouble. Gastritis first starts in an acute state, but gradually becomes chronic if neglected, and the attacks become more frequent and consequently harder to cure.
    Shortly after eating, but sometimes an hour or two afterwards, there is a feeling of fullness and heaviness noticed in the region of the Stomach, with nausea, belching, eructations of sour, often fermented food. The appetite is diminished and there is a disgust, generally with those things that may be responsible for the attack, while at the same time, there may exist a strong desire for spicy, sour or salty foods.
    In adults constipation generally prevails, while children suffer more often from diarrhea. The tongue is mostly coated, and heartburn, dizziness and palpitation of the heart may be present. The region of the Stomach is tender and sensitive to pressure. If an inclination to vomiting exists, it should be induced by filling the stomach with warm water and tickling the palate with the finger until the desired effect is accomplished. For a day or two the diet should consist of soups, especially those that cook slimy, like barley, rice, sago, farina, with stale bread or Zwieback. Gradually more nourishing but light food may be added.
    If no desire for food exists, a fast of a day or two is advisable, but drinking of fresh, clean water in small quantities should
always be allowed. In case of cramps and pain in the stomach, apply hot steam compresses to that region, and in case of heat and fever, cold, wet compresses should be used instead.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 288, page 111.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, but if Liver is Sluggish, use Formula No. 14, page 53-, instead. In Anemia, use Formula No. 30, page 59.

DYSPEPSIA - HEARTBURN - INDIGESTION - NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA - There exists a great similarity in the symptoms of Nervous Dyspepsia and that of Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach; yet, there is a decided difference between the causes of the two ailments.
    In Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach, an inflamed condition of the membrane of the stomach exists, which causes anatomical changes in the lining of the stomach; while, Nervous Dyspepsia is due almost entirely to disturbances in the nervous system which controls the stomach, with no such changes of the mucous lining taking place.
    The stomach has a network of nerves, which is controlled by nerve centers of the brain. This nerve system in the stomach is very sensitive and often reacts to the slightest provocation. If abused, it causes digestive disturbances that retard and disarrange the functions of the entire digestive tract. It may even give the reaction of pain in the stomach. This condition is very often brought about through overwork, worry, mental excitement, grief, fear, despondency, overeating, lack of exercise, and among other things, too rich, or too one-sided diet.
    There is often a sense of fullness, although the stomach may be empty. Gas pressure, heartburn, nausea, rumbling in the stomach, due to flatulency, spitting up of partly digested food, or sour liquid, and pain or soreness at the pit of the stomach during digestion may also be present. Belching, sometimes affords temporary relief and so may eating, but, the basic condition is not improved by taking on more food, it only tends to form more gas. Palpitation of the heart, headache, dizziness, flushes toward the head are often experienced. The bowels are generally constipated, the tongue soft and flabby and the urine scanty. Restlessness and even sleeplessness at night may also occur. For days a normal condition may exist, but all of a sudden a feeling of despondency may appear and even the lightest kind of food may cause distress.
    A prescribed diet will often result in failure, as each individual must study his own diet. We are not all alike and what is good food for one, may not agree with another. Food which seemingly does not distress at one meal may do so at the next. It is, however, advisable to select easily digestible foods, such as soft boiled or raw eggs, underdone meats, green vegetables, broth, thickened with barley, oatmeal, sago, rice, farina and other such foods the patient knows agree with him. Instead of coffee or tea, Formula Herb Tea No. 225, page 99, or Peppermint or Linden Flower tea should be used, as they aid the digestion and do not irritate the nerves that control the stomach as coffee and ordinary tea do.
    Remedies: Use. Formula No. 291, page 112, or Formula No. 294, page 113.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, but If Bilious, then, use Formula No. 14, page 55, instead. In Nervous Weakness use Formula No. 216 page 97.

ULCER OF THE STOMACH AND DUODENUM - When, through the continuous attacks of indigestion, the mucous lining of the stomach becomes weakened, and the blood supply diminished, the mucous membrane, not being sufficiently nourished, loses its resistance and becomes open to attack by the acid juices of the stomach and ulcers form..
    This happens, especially, in such cases where a sore has been started by burning the stomach with hot food, but is, more often, due to excessive amounts of acid formed by a faulty digestion, which gradually leads to the destruction of the lining and development of ulcers. When a blood vessel becomes destroyed by an ulcer, a bleeding or hemorrhage takes place. The blood, if vomited, is of a bright red color, but, if passed through the bowels, it generally appears in the stools as a dark tarry substance. (In case of cancer of the stomach, the vomit often has the appearance of coffee grounds.)
    Food vomited up is undigested, very sour and slimy. Spasmodic, gnawing pains are felt from time to time in the pit of the stomach, and, not infrequently, the pain is felt in the back, between the shoulder blades. The pain is generally relieved by eating. The stomach is quite sensitive to pressure, and easily irritated by heavy, spicy foods, especially, if taken too hot or too cold.
    A light, if possible, a liquid or semi-liquid diet should be resorted to for a while, or a fast started for a few days. Only food, that is known to agree with the patient, should be given, and it should be free from spices and other substances which would irritate the stomach. Overloading must be avoided by all means, even if the appetite is good. Pure water, or still better, flax seed tea, with the possible addition of fruit juices, should be the only drinks allowed. To act healingly on the irritated lining and the ulcer, a tablespoonful of a mixture of pure olive oil with an equal amount of the best extract of malt should be given on an empty stomach, about an hour before meals. The bowels should be kept well regulated.
    By proper treatment and strict adherence to a proper diet, the chances for recovery are good. The ulcer will gradually heal and will remain healed, if the mistakes in diet that brought on the trouble, are avoided. In extreme weakness, however, it is not advisable to resort to self medication.
    As an adjuvant in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach, there are a number of herbs which have proven of great merit. Formula No. 297, page 113, is composed of herbs carefully selected and in their proper proportions.
    Remedies: Use Formula No. 297, page 113, or Formula No. 300, page 114.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, but if Bilious then Formula No. 14, page 55, should be used instead. In Blood Deficiency, use, Formula No. 30, page 59.

STONES AND GRAVEL IN KIDNEYS AND BLADDER - This trouble is caused by the collection of insoluble calcareous precipitates forming gravel or stones of various sizes in Kidneys and Bladder. If the deposits have formed in the kidneys, the pain extends from the loins down to the bladder, rectum, and testicles, and is more severely felt in the urinary passages. When these passages become obstructed by passing stones or gravel, scratching of the ureter may cause considerable pain and bleeding at times. If stones or gravel have formed in the bladder, the pain is felt at the neck of the bladder, extending downwards to the end of the penis (genitals), especially, when the last of the urine is voided. When the stone lodges over the mouth of the bladder, the flow of urine may, at times, be interrupted, or it may stop altogether, but a change in the position may remove the obstruction and produce a normal flow again.
    There are a number of Herbs which possess anti-lithic and diuretic properties, which when properly combined and taken over a period of time have been found very helpful in loosening up and clearing the calcareous deposits. This combination of herbs will be found in Formula No. 303, page 115.
    Assisting the Treatment: Hot Sitz Baths. If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68.

STONES IN GALL-BLADDER see Gall-bladder, Inflammation of

STOOLS see Symptoms, page 9.

STYE see Eyelids, sore, etc.

SUBSTITUTE FOR COFFEE OR TEA see Formula No. 225, page 99.

SUNBURN see. Skin, Rough, etc.

SUPPRESSED MENSES see Menstruation, Suppressed.

SWEATING, CAUSE OF see Symptoms, page 11.

SWEATING FEET see Feet, Sweating.


SWEAT TEA see Formula No. 57, page 65 and Formula No. 58, page 65.

SWEATING, CAUSE OF see Symptoms, page 11.

TAPEWORM - There are several species of tapeworm inhabiting the human body and developing in the intestines. Their form is tape-like and consists of numerous flat segments or joints, of which the head is the smallest and the thinnest part and is provided with suckers. The tail end is the broadest, and is, at times, thrown off and expelled through the stools.
    Inordinate appetite, disturbed digestion with a feeling of nausea, colicky pains in the abdomen are generally indicative of the presence of this unwelcome guest. Sometimes, however, no symptoms are present, and the discharge of pieces of the worm, which is found in the stools, is the only positive evidence of its existence. The parts are passed from time to time in connected links, or in single joints.
    There are a number of good remedies that aid in expelling the worm in a few hours without producing any harmful effect upon the system. The ingredients entering into Formula No. 306, page 115, have proven quite effective and quick in action. This remedy, however, should be made fresh when needed, and then filled in capsules on account of its volatile nature and peculiar taste and also because only in this way, the full value of its specific action can be obtained.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 306, page 115.

TASTE, BITTER and PASTY, see Biliousness.

TEA or COFFEE SUBSTITUTE see Formula No. 225, page 99, or Mate Leaves.

TETTER see Eczema and Ringworm. THROAT, Sore see Tonsilitis.

THUMB SUCKING (Children) see Formula No. 18, page 56.

TIRED FEELING, Cause of see Symptoms, page 10.

TONIC TEA see Formula No. 225, page 99.

TONSILITIS - SORE THROAT - QUINSY - Tonsilitis begins with pains in the throat, difficult swallowing, accompanied by general body ache and sometimes chills. The throat is swollen, red and inflamed, and one or both tonsils are enlarged and covered with a thick white mucous. Sometimes the tonsils become ulcerated and this form of the disease is called Quinsy. Headache and fever are often present, the tongue is coated and the urine is highly colored and scanty. To relieve the inflammation, apply cold, wet compresses around the neck and cover with a dry one, change it when it becomes warm, and leave one on over night.
    A gargle and mouth wash should be used freely to remove the slimy accumulations and to keep the throat antiseptic and clean.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 309, page 116.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 69, page 67, or Formula No. 72, page 68, but in the event a Cold and Fever is present then use Formula No. 54, page 64, instead. If appearing in connection with Rheumatism, use Formula No. 261, page 106.

ULCERS OF THE STOMACH see Stomach Disorders.

URINATION, SCANTY, THICK or CLOUDY see Bladder, Inflammation of the.

VOMITING see Symptoms, page 9, also Biliousness, Stomach Disorders.

WANT OF APPETITE see Stomach Disorders.

WARTS - These growths can be removed without pain and danger by the application of Formula No. 312, page 117.

WATERBRUSH see Stomach Disorders.

WAX IN THE EAR see Earache.

WEAKNESS, NERVOUS see Nervousness and Herb Tonic Formula No. 30, page 59.

WEAKNESS, SEXUAL see Sexual Weakness. WHITES see Leucorrhea.

WHITLOW or FELON OF THE FINGER - An inflammation of the finger, generally situated at the root of the nail. It is very painful and attended with swelling and soreness and in severe cases with throbbing. When it progresses to suppuration, a small white spot appears, which, when opened, discharges pus.
    This is a very stubborn disease, if not properly attended to, and its hearing depends to a great extent on the condition of the blood. The advice given under Impure Blood should, therefore, be followed. The local treatment should consist of bathing the affected parts in a strong decoction of equal parts of Chamomile Flowers and Plantain Leaves, for about 15 minutes. They should be dried thoroughly, and the affected finger tips should be dipped in a jar of softened Balsam Formula No. 282, page 110, for about 5 minutes. Care should be taken that the Balsam is not too hot. The adhering Balsam may be left on the fingers over night, using old gloves to prevent soiling the bed sheets.
    Exposure of the affected fingers to water should be avoided by all means, especially to soap or lye water, as the irritation caused by these, interferes with the healing process. Therefore, washing, dishwashing and such similar tasks which necessitate exposure of the affected parts to water, should be discontinued, until the affected parts have been thoroughly healed.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 282, page 110.
    Assisting the Treatment: In Impure Blood, use Formula No. 168, page 87, or Formula No. 171, page 88. In Stomach Disorders, use Formula No. 285, page 111, or Formula No. 291, page 112.

WHOOPING COUGH - This is a contagious disease and generally a child's disease. The patient should be isolated.
The complaint begins with a moderate bronchitis, but soon the cough grows worse, especially at night. Gradually it develops into severe shocks of cough in rapid succession, followed by a deep inhalation or whoop, and the expectoration of a small amount of tough, sticky mucus. The patient should be kept in a warm, well ventilated room. The food should be light, and the bowels well regulated.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 315, page 117.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 75, page 69. If Nervous and Restless, use Formula No. 219, page 98, to be rubbed on the chest and throat.

WORMS - Intestinal parasites affecting the human body. (See also Tapeworm). Paleness, restlessness, picking of the nose, irregular appetite, bad breath, itching in the rectum are generally the indications of the presence of worms. The sleep may be disturbed, the patient rolling from one side to the other, and grinding the teeth. These symptoms, however, may not all be present.
    Remedy: Use Formula No. 321, page 118.
    Assisting the Treatment: If Constipated, use Formula No. 75, page 69. In Bodily Weakness, use Formula No. 30, page 59.

WOUNDS - Clean them thoroughly with a mild solution of table salt. Boiled water should be used in making this solution. Stop the bleeding by applying sterilized clean cotton, and then dress with salve, Formula No. 324, page 119. This ointment has very healing and soothing properties. It is very useful in the treatment of wounds and sores of all kinds, cuts, burns, scalds, etc., and should be at hand all the time.

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