
The Cayce Herbal
 A Comprehensive Guide to the 
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Herbs for Health
by Otto Mausert, N.D. (1932)

Materia Medica Index

ALTERATIVE: A medicine that alters the process of nutrition and excretion, restoring normal body functions.
Yarrow Herb
Bittersweet Herb
Buckbean Leaves
Crimson Clover
Barberry Root
Black Cohosh Root
Golden Seal Root
Virginia Poke Root
Sarsaparilla Root
Queen's Root
Yellow Dock Root
Oregon Grage Root
Burdock Root
Spikenard Root
Wahoo Bark
Sassafras Bark
Prickley Ash Bark
Fringe Tree Bark
Black Alder Bark
Cinchona Bark

ANTHELMINTICS: or VERMIFUGES: Medicines expelling intestinal worms.
Tansy Herb
Wormwood Herb
Pink Root
Kousso Flowers
Jerusalem Oak Flowers
Bear's Paw Root
Male Fern Root
Mandrake Root
American Wormseed
Pomegranate Bark
Pumpkin Seeds
Kamala Levant

ANTILITHICS: Medicines preventing the formation of gravel and stones.
Golden Rod Herb
Gravel Plant Herb
Uva Ursi Leaves
Buchu Leaves
Pichi Tops
Hydrangea Root
Seven Barks Root
Wild Violet Leaves
Mountain Cranberry Leaves
Pareira Brava Root

ANTIPERIODIC: A medicine preventing the recurrence of periodic disturbances and irregularities.
Motherwort Herb
Vervain Herb
Rue Herb
Roman Chamomile
Figwort Herb
Squaw Vine Herb
Pennyroyal Herb
Rosemary Leaves
Life Root Herb
Blue Scullcap Herb
Tansy Herb
Birth Root
Blue Cobosh Root
Papoose Root
Cramp Bark
Squaw Bush Root
Colic Root
White Poplar Bark
Blazing Star Root
Black Willow Bark
Cassia Bark

ANTI-RHEUMATICS: Medicines correcting and relieving rheumatism.
Rheumatic Weed Herb
Bittersweet Twigs
Black Cohosh Root
Kava Kava Root
Yellow Dock Root
Virginia Poke Root
Twin Leaf Root
Bitter Root
Culvers Root
Oregon Grape Root
Virginia Snake Root
Rheumatism Root
Black Willow Bark
Tootache Bark
Colchicum Seed
Prickly Ash Bark
Guajac Wood
Black Alder Bark
Guajac Gum

ANTISEPTICS: Agents preventing or counteracting decay, or the formation of pus.
Canada Fleabane
Amaranth Leaves
Blood Root
Water Avens Root
Witchbazel Herb
Wild Sage Leaves
Cranesbill Root
Tormentill Root
Blood Staunch Herb
Rhatany Root
Marsh Rosemary Root
Alum Root
Blood Root
Cranesbill Root
Oak Bark (red & white)
Black Willow Bark
Black Alder Bark

ANTI-SPASMODIC: Counteracting or preventing spasms.
Lobelia Herb
Peony Root
Mistletoe Herb
Scull Cap Herb
Parnassia Herb
Rue Herb
Female Regulator Herb
Ephedra Herb
Rosemary Leaves
Chamomile Flowers
Beth Root
German Valerian
Ladies Slipper Root
Squaw Root
Mullein Leaves
Wild Yam Root
Mugwort Herb
Squaw Mint Herb
Motherwort Herb
Watermint Herb
Linden Flowers
Black Hawk Bark
Horsenettle Berries
Squaw Bush Root
Dragon Turnip Root
Cramp Bark
Trembling Poplar Bark
Black Cohosh Root
Nerve Root
Pomegranate Bark
Cassia Bark

ASTRINGENTS: Agents producing contraction of organic tissues, or the arrest of a discharge.
Ladies Mantle Herb
Shepherds Purse Herb
Canada Fleabane Herb
Wintergreen Herb
Witchhazel Herb
Silver Weed Herb
Blood Staunch Herb
Amaranth Leaves
Wild Sage Leaves
Pilewort Leaves
Cranesbill Root
Water Avens Root
Rhatany Root
Blackberry Root
Marsh Rosemary Root
Mouth Root
Hydrangea Root
Tormentill Root
Alum Root
Seven Barks Root
African Ginger Root
Catarrh Root Tag
Alder Bark
Black Bark
Oak Bark (red& white)
Pomegranate Bark
Black Willow Bark
Kino Gum
Catechu Gum

CARMINATIVES: Expelling gas from Stomach and Bowels.
Catnip Herb
Peppermint Herb
Watermint Herb
Melissa Herb
German Chamomile
Yerba Buena Herb
Lemon Balm Herb Flowers
Sweet Flag Root
Angelica Root
Parsley Root
Calamus Root
Lovage Root
Canada Snake Root
Fennel Seed
Angelica Seed
Coriander Seed
Cardamon Seed
Anis Seed
Cumin Seed
Caraway Seed
Thyme Herb

CATHARTICS: Medicines producing evacuations from the bowels.
Balmony Herb
Senna Leaves
Rhubarb Root
Butternut Bark
Pansy Herb
Wild Violet Herb
Leptandra Root
Mandrake Root
Culvers Root
Cascara Bark
Buckthorn Bark
Barberry Bark

CHOLAGOGUES: Medicines promoting and increasing the flow of bile.
Tetterwort Herb
Gamboge Gum
Jalap Root
Mandrake Root
Hedge Hyssop Herb
Physic Root
Wahoo Bark
Colocynth Apple
Aloe Gum
Culvers Root

COLORING AGENTS: Drugs used in coloring and dying.
Henna Leaves (red-brown)
Cudbear (purple)
Sage Leaves (brown)
Indigo Leaves (blue)
Black Malva Flowers  (wine-red)
American Saffron Flowers (red)
Spanish Saffron (yellow)
Walnut Hulls (brown)
Alkanet Root (red)
Madder Root (red)
Turmeric Root (yellow)
Bloodroot Root (red)
Logwood Chips (blue)
Red Saunders Wood (red)

DEMULCENTS: Mucilaginous substances that act soothing and relieve inflammation.
Mallow Leaves
Cheeseplant Leaves
Liquorice Root
Slippery Elm Bark
Plantain Leaves
Mullein Leaves
Comfrey Root
Flax Seed
Coltsfoot Leaves
Marshmallow Root
Althaea Root
Psyll Seed

DEPURATIVES: Removing impurities, cleaning the blood.
Meadow Sweet Herb
Bittersweet Herb
Figwort Herb
Heartease Herb
Pansy Herb
Wild Violet Leave
Dulse Leaves
Red Clover Flowers
Yellow Dock Root
Queen's Root
Kava Kava Root
Sassafras Bark
Elder Flowers
Burdock Root
Sarsaparilla Root
Dandelion Root
Physic Root
European Black Alder Bark
Linden Flowers
Virginia Poke Root
Marsh Rosemary Root
Oregon Grape Root
Buckthorn Bark
Indian Senna Fruit

DIAPHORETICS: Medicines producing perspiration.
Boneset Herb
Horehound Herb
Vervian Herb
Squaw Mint Herb
Watermint Herb
Pennyroyal Herb
Peppermint Leaves
Lemon Balm Leaves
Black Birch Leaves
Linden Flowers
Chamomile Flowers
Virginia Snake Root
Melissa Herb
Thoroughwort Herb
Yarrow Herb
Jaborandi Leaves
Elder Flowers
Pleurisy Root

DIURETICS: Medicines increasing the secretion and flow of urine.
Pipsissewa Herb
Trailing Arbutus
Partridge Berry Herb
Gravel Plant Herb
Pichi Leaves
Buchu Leaves
Mountain Mahogany Leaves
Kava Kava Root
Button Snake Root
Lovage Root
Cubeb Berries
Shave Grass Herb
Horsetail Rush Herb
Meadow Sweet Herb
Golden Rod Herb
Uva Ursi Leaves
Whortleberry Leaves
Purple Foxglove Leaves
Squill Root
Couch Grass Root
Queen of Meadow Root
Corn Silk
Great Celandine Herb
Cleavers Herb
Prince's Pine Herb
Broom Tops
Birch Leaves
Mountain Cranberry Leaves
Prince's Feather Leaves
Parsley Root
Black Indian Hemp Root
Juniper Berries

EMETICS: Medicines that cause vomiting.
Lobelia Herb
Ipecacuanha Root
Mustard Seed

EMMENAGOGUES: Medicines promoting and stimulating menstruation.
Life Root
Double Tansy Herb
Mistletoe Herb
Blue Cohosh Root
Pennyroyal Herb
Rue Herb
Black Root
Cotton Root
Savin Leaves
Aloe Gum
Blood Root

EXPECTORANTS: Promoting mucous secretion from the air passages.
Lobelia Herb
Pansy Herb
Yerba Santa Leaves
Mountain Balm Leaves
Calif. Gum Plant
Irish Moss
Elder Flowers
Senega Root
Squill Root
Marshmallow Root
Murillo Bark
Anis Seed
Horehound Herb
Asthma Weed Herb
Coltsfoot Leaves
Marshmallow Leaves
Wild Chestnut Leaves
Iceland Moss Leaves
Pleurisy Root
Elecampane Root
Comfrey Root
Sea Onion Root
Flax Seed
Lungwort Herb
Wild Thyme Herb
Mullein Leaves
Wild Sage Leaves
Coughwort Leaves
Pearl Moss Leaves
Ipecacuanha Root
Sweetwood Root
Pimpinella Root
Wild Cherry Bark
Sweet Fennel Seed

FEBRIFULIE: An Agent that reduces fever.
Wormwood Herb
Feverwort Herb
Virginia Snake Root
Friar's Cap Root
Dogwood Bark
Buckthorn Bark
Centaury Herb
Boneset Herb
Yerba Buena Herb
Aconite Root
Water Avens Root
Blood Root
Fall Speedwell Root
Cinchona Bark
Europ. Black Alder Bark
Quassia Bark

HEPATICS: Promoting action of the liver.
Liverwort Herb
Indian Apple Root
Rhubarb Root
Barberry Bark
Wild Yam Root
Culvers Root
Mandrake Root
Wahoo Bark
Dandelion Root
Virginia Poke Root
Fall Speedwell Root
Spiked Aloe Gum

LAXATIVES: Medicines producing gentle action of the bowels.
Pansy Herb
Turtle Bloom Leaves
California Barberry Root
Chinese Rhubart Root
Virginia Poke Root
Europ. Black Alder Bark
Indian Senna Fruit
Senna Leaves
Blackthorn Flowers
Mandrake Root
May Apple Root
Wahoo Bark
Cascara Bark
Balmony Leaves
Culvers Root
Dandelion Root
Oregon Grape Root
Sacred Bark
Buckthorn Bark

NEPHRITICS: An agent useful in kidney complaints.
Trailing Arbutus
Buchu Leaves
Black Birch Leaves
Couch Grass Root
Partridge Berry Herb
Whortleberry Leaves
Uva Ursi Leaves
Broom Tops
Gravel Plant Leaves
Queen of Meadow
Button Snake Root
Root Juniper Berries

NERVINES: Medicines that act calming and soothing on the nervous system.
Rue Herb
Scull Cap Herb
Lemon Balm Herb
Ladies Slipper Root
Musk Root
Valerian Root
Nerve Root
Wild Celery Seed
Dittany Herb
Cramp Bark
Rosemary Leaves
Peony Root

PURGATIVES: Medicines producing watery evacuations.
Senna Leaves
Jalap Root
May Apple Root
Cascara Bark
Buckthorn Bark
Garnboge Gum
Aloe Gum
Black Indian Hemp Root
Rhubarb Root
Mandrake Root
Colocynth Apple
Scammony Gum

SEDATIVES: An agent allaying irritability.
Bugleweed Herb
Foxglove Leaves
Red Puccoon Root
Crawley Root
Fever Root
Wild Cherry Bark
Red Root Bark
Colchicum Seed
Sweet Fern Leaves
Jimyson Weed Leaves
Aconite Root
Muira Puama Root
Water Avens Root
Yohimbe Bark
New Jersey Tea Bark
Stramonium Leaves
Wild Lettuce Leaves
Blood Root
Ice Plant Root
Chocolate Root
Jamaica Dogwood Bark
Meadow Saffron Seed

STIMULANTS: Medicines increasing functional activity.
Dwarf Nettle Herb
Damiana Leaves
Gentian Root
Sarsaparilla Root
Valerian Root
Unicorn Root
Sassafras Bark
Cassia Bark
Strawberry Leaves
Linden Flowers
Yellow Dock Root
Queen's Root
Jamaica Ginger Root
Wild Cherry Bark
Prickley Ash Bark
Rosemary Leaves
Ginseng Root
Blood Root
Dandelion Root
Muira Puama Root
Wafer Ash Bark
Yohimbe Bark

VULNERARY: An agent favoring the heal agent favoring the healing of wounds and cuts.
Sweet Clover Herb
Plantain Leaves
Rosemary Leaves
Marigold Flowers
Alum Root
Figwort Herb
Wild Sage Leaves
Arnica Flowers
Virginia Poke Root
Tormentill Root
Oak Bark (red &white)
Balm of Gilead Buds
Witchhazel Leaves
Mullein Leaves
Calendula Flowers
Marsh Rosemary Root
Cranesbill Root

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