
The Cayce Herbal
 A Comprehensive Guide to the 
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Herbs for Health
by Otto Mausert, N.D. (1932)

Symptoms and What They May Mean

    The underlying cause for this pain can often be found in: Disorders of the Stomach, Constipation, Anemia, Menstrual Irregularities, Overfilling of the Venous blood vessels of the head, Eye Strain, and disturbances of the functions of the Lungs and Heart.

    These pains are often observed in: Articular Rheumatism, Pain over the whole spinal column; In Lumbago (Pain confined to the lumbar region); In Kidney Diseases, Pain in the, middle or lower part, in the right or left side from the spine); In Gallstones or Inflammation of the Gallbladder, the pain extends from the lowest rib on the right side towards the right shoulder blade; Pain in the Hips generally indicate affections of the Ovaries; Fallopian Tubes, Uterus, Rectal diseases and Hemorrhoids.

    In Pleurisy the pain is sharp and stinging, especially when taking a deep breath, with low fever generally present.
    In Pneumonia with a dry, painful, hacking cough and high fever and chills.
    In Neuralgia or Rheumatism, pressure increases the pain; breathing sometimes is painful.
    In Shingles: Severe neuralgic pains with a vesicular bright red eruption on the inflamed skin.

    In Gastritis, the pain is gnawing and burning at the pit of the Stomach after eating (so called heartburn) with gas present and a tenderness in the epigastric region.  Vomiting may occur at times, but without giving relief from pain, slight fever may be noticed.
    In Dyspepsia: Pain as in Gastritis but less severe, no fever, tenderness absent, vomiting occurs occasionally, which gives relief from pain.
    In Gastric Ulcer: Pain below the breast bone, very sensitive to pressure, often radiating backwards towards the shoulder blade, and almost always encountered after eating.  Vomiting of a sour fluid is common and sometimes loss of blood.  The stools are at times black and tarry, due to the passage of coagulated blood.
    In Cancer of the Stomach: Pain constant but dull right after eating, increasing by pressure.  Vomiting of half digested food tinged with coagulated dark-brown (coffee-ground-like) blood.
There is a constant loss in weight noticeable.
    In Neuralgia or Cramps in the Stomach: Sudden attacks of severe griping pains in the stomach, usually extending towards the back and lasting from a few minutes to sometimes several hours, then ceasing suddenly with the expulsion of gas or a watery liquid, leaving the patient in a very exhausted condition.

    In Diarrhea with frequent watery and slimy stools.
    In Dysentery with the passage of tough mucus tinged with blood.

    In Hemorrhoids or Piles, with itching or occasional loss of clear blood from the rectum, (coagulated blood, see Ulcer and Cancer of the Stomach).
    In Catarrh or Inflammation of the Bowels, with lumpy or stringy passages.
    In Dysentery with burning, colic-like pains and a discharge of bloody, slimy stools and pus.
    In Constipation due to the pressure used to force bowel movements.
    In Cancer of the Rectum, the pain is colicky with a constant desire to go to stool, and a discharge of slime and blood.

    In Catarrh of the Bladder: Spasmodic pains in the urinary bladder with frequent and painful urination.
    In Gravel or Stone in the Bladder: Pain in the neck of the bladder extending along the urinary tract, flow of urine at time interrupted or stopped.
    In Displacement and Falling of the Womb: Dull bearing down pains, with a constant desire to urinate when uterus rests on the bladder.
    In Gonorrhea: Burning pain when urinating with a discharge of pus from the urinary canal.

    In Tonsilitis: Painful swallowing with an inflamed condition of the mucous membrane of the throat and the roof of the mouth.
    In Syphilitic or Tuberculous Ulcers of the Pharynx or Cancer: Pain without inflammation of the mucous membrane.
    In Diphtheria: Pain with a dirty-white membrane covering the throat.

    In Acute Dyspepsia: Vomiting is observed shortly after eating, and in Chronic Dyspepsia, generally in the morning.
    In Ulcer and Cancer of the Stomach: Vomiting occurs immediately after meals and the vomit at times contains blood or may consist entirely of it.
    In Dilation of the Stomach: Vomiting appears at long intervals, often of several days, and consists of large amounts of fermented food.  Continuous vomiting is a suspicion of Cholera or a severe Intestinal Inflammation.
    In diseases of children like Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Measles, Tonsilitis, vomiting is often one of the first and outstanding symptoms.
    Vomiting also occurs in Pregnancy, Gallstones, Kidney Stones, Uterine Diseases and Intestinal Colic.
    Vomiting of fecal matter indicates Intestinal Obstructions, Twisted Intestines, Strangulation of a Hernia.

    Color: In diseases of the Liver, in jaundice, Gallstones, Inflammation of the Gallbladder, the stools are at times clay colored or whitish, and sometimes greenish from unchanged colored bile, or black from the use of medicines as Bismuth, Iron, etc.
    Black Tarry Stools: Point to hemorrhages from Stomach or Bowels (ulcer or cancer.) In Intestinal Catarrh of babies the stools are greenish, in Diarrhea yellowish-brown and in Cholera, whitish-dirty.
    Blood in Stools, Clear and Unchanged: In Hemorrhoids or Piles, Rectal Hemorrhages, Typhoid Fever, Dysentary.  Blood in Stools, coagulated, tarry looking: In Ulcer or Cancer of Stomach or Small Intestines.
    Pus in Stools: In Ulcer and Cancer of the Rectum, in Chronic Dysentery, Appendicitis.
    Mucus in Stool: In Catarrh of Stomach and Bowels, Diarrhea, Inflammation of the Bowels, and Catarrh of the Colon (Colitis).

    Generally noticed as a result of disorders of Stomach, Bowels and Liver, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Obstructions in the Hepatic ducts. In Abuses of the Nervous System (nervous vertigo) with the so-called sick or nervous headache.

    May indicate diseases of the Liver, Gallstones, Inflammation of the Gallbladder, jaundice, Poisoning of the blood, in advanced cases of Kidney diseases and Diabetes.
    In Different forms of Eczema, in Hives, Barber's Itch, Bites of Fleas, Bed Bugs, Lice, Crablice, Scabies.

    Often due to Self-poisoning of the system, Constipation, Sluggish and Lazy Liver, Anemia, Heart Diseases, Obesity.

    In Nervous Exhaustion, Cough, Asthma, Overwork, Abuse of Alcohol, Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Fever, Excitement, Worries.

    In inflammation and catarrhal conditions of the bronchial tubes and lungs.  In Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Laryngitis, Tuberculosis,
    Whooping Cough and the so-called Stomach Cough, due to irritation of the Larynx by eructations of acids and gas from the stomach.  In certain forms of Nervousness and Hysteria (Nervous cough).

    In Pleurisy: With stinging pain in the side.
    In Pneumonia: With sharp pain near the nipple. In Tuberculosis.
    In Heart Diseases.
    In the different forms of Dropsy due to the accummulation of water.
    In Pressure from Gas in the Stomach and Abdomen.
    In Obstructions from Enlarged Tonsils, Adenoids, Polyps in the nose.
    In Dyphtheria and in Catarrhal affections of the Bronchial Tubes and ilungs and in Asthma.

    In diseases of the ear and especially in catarrhal or inflamed conditions of the middle ear and Eustachian tube (a tube leading from the roof of the mouth to the ear).  Anemic and nervous people often complain about these noises, the latter especially about getting them at night while in bed.  Obstructions by Earwax; the use of Quinine or Salicylic Acid preparations are also often responsible for this trouble.

    In anemic and fat people; in weakness of the heart, and lungs, and in general weakness.  In diseases' associated with fever.  Local excessive sweating is often a sign of nervous troubles and sometimes of mental derangements.  The excretion of a yellowish sweat indicates disorders of Liver and Gallbladder.

    In catarrh of the Stomach the coating is grayish-white with a pasty taste and a foul breath, the tongue often showing the impression of the teeth.  Tongue dry, thick, with numerous cracks and enlarged and reddened papillas often indicates Diabetes.

    Slight swelling on ankle, disappearing during the night often indicates an anemic condition.  Extensive swelling, especially when extending upwards to the knees and hips are noticed in diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and in obstruction caused by tumors or other growths.

    Pale: In Anemia, as an after effect after hemorrhages of Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder; in fainting spells, sea-sickness, Migraine.
    Red: In Fevers, In Tuberculosis, a hectic redness of the cheeks; In Change of Life, red, hot flushes towards the head; In enlargement of the, blood vessels, especially of the nose and cheeks; In Inflammation, with the presence of heat.
    Yellow: In catarrhal inflammation of the bile ducts or duodenum, and in diseases of Liver and Gallbladder; In Cancer; In anemic conditions, pale dirty-yellow.

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